Dr. Odd
Super Freak
Muuuuch better!
I repainted the dreads tonight. I think they look much better and natural now.
Looks much better! So disappointed that the paint job wasn't better on this figure. I'll have to do the same with my Elder Predator someday! Great job!
Here's my video review I put up today on my set for those interested.
The 1/4 scale Elder is one sloppy beeyach.
Or perhaps I got a factory 2nd or 3rd from The Neca eBay Store.
Fast shipping, I'll give them that, but the figure is the sloppiest and most poorly done 1/4 scale Predator that I have come across.
Buyers remorse here. Shoulda quit at the last release Unmasked City Hunter and Lost Tribe Gort.
I'm done.
Notice the net is pretty raped and the loincloth has a piss poor paint app.
I can't tell if it was never painted or grey paint was hurled around the figure, or if it is some grey glue.
All the other figures in my collection showed up mint and looks 100X better in fit and finish.
Elder for sale, Elder for sale.
I paid $116 and welcome offers to cut my losses.
Yeah, I agree. The closed mouth Jungle Hunter is by far the best Predator in NECA's 1/4 scale. He still makes me stare in awe at how incredible he looks. He has the best paint, sculpt and shelf presence. Funny considering he was the first and cheapest of these. It feels like their quality has gone down with each series while the price increases. Was really hoping for a better Elder as he's my favorite.
I wish I could paint as well as some others on here to bring Elder alive. It's a shame you basically HAVE to repaint Elder to make him better.
I agree, the first run preds were the best.
but I still love the new ones....and want more lost hunters! borg please!
here is Necas Big Red that i touched up a bit......new netting, trinkets added new necklace.