My repainted 1/4 Dutch HS.
Finally picked up the NECA 1/4 City Hunter and Jungle Hunter preds and they are MASSIVE. So awesome. The only problem is I am very fearful that they will fall over. They both seem to be pretty stable, but I don't want to accidentally bump my shelf and have them take a dive to the floor. I remember hearing/reading that NECA was going to be releasing some stands for their 1/4 figures, but now I can't seem to find any recent information. Are they still planning on releasing 1/4 stands or are there any good third party stands that can be used to keep these big guys a bit more secure?
Thats good to hear,i just ordered the 1/4 Unmasked CH but i probably wont take him out of package, glad to hear he looks good in person.I actually have the masked CH opened,i like him,i dont think i could give him up,i like my Preds too much lol.But yeah def. not enough room to display them all opened unfortunately.I got the Unmasked city hunter recently , And everything moves good, the arm joints and the knees are okay.
Now the legs move fowards and back with no problem, one leg is kind of loose, But My problem with the figure is that they wont move sideways at all, the ball joint where it is supposed to let the predator open his legs to the sides is completely stuck.
Is that normal? I tried to force it a little bit and it just felt like it was going to break, I am fine with the legs to being able to open wide, but i was just wondering.
I bought the Masked city hunter a year ago but I regretted buying it from the beginning and never opened it, But now that I have the unmasked predator I am just going to try to sell the masked one on craiglist or something, Im not even going to try to get the 100 bucks I paid for it, Im just going to see what i get offered for it, I just really like the unmasked version a lot more
So I have decided to invest in a 1/4 scale stand (X2) for my NECA 1/4 P1 Predator also because I have a NECA 1/4 Keaton Batman coming so I was wondering if someone here would point me in the right direction, UK based preferably?
I have seen these ones on eBay UK -
But to be honest I'm not really fond of the wood base but I do know that you can get the plastic ones, thanks.
Thanks pal.
Just to be safe is that the right size?
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these metal fibre craft stands come in 3 sizes, 5.5 inches, 7.5 inches and 9.5 inches.
You want the 9.5 inchers. you have to slightly extend the metal arms and they will fit around the preds waist, securely holding them on your shelf.
now get to the choppa!