Not really.
Because none of the Transformers movies are ment to be quailty. Just fun.
Alien Res should've been quailty, but it's just a piece of ____. No one really likes that movie for a reason. It sucks.
Don't mean to go back to slightly-old conversations, I'm just bored and figured I'd give my two cents.
The Transformers movies may be intended for plain fun... but they still fail in that department. Maybe it's because I've never been a TF fan, maybe it's because I can't stand Megan Fox (yeah, I said it), maybe it's because Michael Bay's idea of fun is
too juvenile, or maybe it's because the premises of some of those films are just flat-out ridiculous, even for something based on TF.
I loved Terminator Salvation because it delivered exactly what I wanted it to -- something different, something we haven't seen: a movie dedicated to expanding the Future War universe we merely glimpsed in the first films, rather than dedicated to the classic Terminator-esque chase. It was exciting in T1 and T2, but by T3 the formula got old and we really needed some freshness in the franchise.
As for Alien Resurrection, I'm a fan of that as well. It's definitely a part of the quadrilogy and has its own unique vibe (just like the films that came before), plus the production design was ace. Some great material there and the oddly-Freudian movie
does have quality, at least in my opinion. Yes, it's more sci-fi/adventure than the others. Yes, it gets to the meat and potatoes early. As Lar'ja said, however, was that such a bad thing to do at that point in the series? What else are they going to do? Build suspense for something the audience is already more than aware of?
As far as I'm concerned, Resurrection
only loses points for being unnecessary. Lo and behold, they still made it and I think it turned out great.
Heh, I'd say both AR and TS still beat the TF trilogy into the ground. I'd even go as far as to say that they're on a much-higher and more-sophisticated playing field. Then again, it's difficult to please everyone because if the new movies are different, people will b___h and moan about them not being like the old ones. And heaven forbid the new movies are like the old ones, because then people will b___h and moan about how they're unoriginal rip-offs. The task of shooting a reboot/sequel of a cherished franchise means diving into dangerous waters since a large group of fanboys will hate it no matter how it turns out. Preaching to the choir here, I know.
You think T4, and Res aren't "bad" movies. And you're calling me a tard? Haha.
And you're justifying the existence of the TF movies by saying they weren't meant to be "good," but to be fun? I wouldn't call them fun. AR and TS, on the other hand, are fun
and good (actually great, for that matter).
Using fun as an excuse to make a crap movie is exactly why Hollywood spews out flicks like Piranha 3D every summer. I saw the last half of that thing on Showtime last Saturday at 1AM and uh... let's put it this way: I'm not sure if it's physically possible to feel brain cells dying, but there was definitely something wrong going on up there.
Wait a second. You didn't like Piranha 3D, did you?
The characters were cartoons compared to the crew of Nostromo. Token popcorn movie stereotypes all of them. The people in Alien felt like real people who happened to work on a spaceship. Their dialogue didn't feel scripted in any way. In the group scenes it seemed like the camera is just there watching a bunch of people talking over breakfast, catching parts of real conversation with voices overlapping etc rather than a planned exchange of snappy dialogue. I dunno, maybe none of that is particularly important to you but thats what I mean when I ever say that Alien 4 doesn't feel like part of the same universe. Try to put Kane, Lambert or Brett (who I shall call people) in amongst the cast of Alien Resurrection (who I shall call 'characters) just can't, they'd disappear because they don't talk loud enough or have any one liners. Put a 'character' from Resurrection amongst the people in Alien and you've got Who Framed Roger Rabbit!...well not really but the two can't mix, basically. They're an exaggeration of a real person, out of place with the rest.
Not sure if that's the best way to judge a movie, especially since you can't perform that experiment with any of the characters from any of the movies. Try to put Kane, Lambert, or Brett into Aliens or Alien 3. Try to put Morse, Golic, and Aaron in Alien or Aliens. You just can't.
Didn't mean to sound hostile or anything with this post, I just used your comments as a jumping-off point for my weekly late-night rant.