dumb dull movie without a single thing not boring/overwhelmingly stupidly depicted in them, like star wars or avengers. i don't visit dumb dull movies threads and don't think about them, but when they suddenly appear in threads i visit, i remember about them again.I'm interested in why you consider Blade Runner stupid. Please explain.
dumb dull movie, like star wars or avengers. i don't visit dumb dull movies threads and don't think about them, but when they suddenly appear in threads i visit, i remember about them again.
dumb dull movie without a single thing not boring/overwhelmingly stupidly depicted in them, like star wars or avengers. i don't visit dumb dull movies threads and don't think about them, but when they suddenly appear in threads i visit, i remember about them again.
Ok cool, thanks. I missed that bit of info. Glad they decided to use the flesh tones.
The conversation in the this thread since yesterday, was in reference to Randy@NECA "huge announcement ", and everyone posting their opinion, and/or preference for item('s) being disclosed.wrong thread.
proves how stupid blade runner is.
You don't see appeal in self-aware AI and its implications, or Sci-Fi in general?Never understood it's appeal beyond the visuals and atmosphere of the city.
Yeah, they were morons, weren't the Thing and The Shinning also originally panned?There's a reason critics and movie goers panned it as it bombed back in 1982,
You don't see appeal in self-aware AI and its implications, or Sci-Fi in general?
Yeah, they were morons, weren't the Thing and The Shinning also originally panned?
Terminator? Yeah I can agree.Terminator bettah. Robocop bettah.
Well, I'm soft towards the thing because it's the closest thing to a decent Lovecraft movie, but outside of that...The Thing > Blade Runner
Terminator? Yeah I can agree.
Well, I'm soft towards the thing because it's the closest thing to a decent Lovecraft movie, but outside of that...![]()
No way am I going to get involved arguing the merits of The Thing vs Blade Runner.
Both are masterpieces in my opinion.
I think I'm the only person who prefers the painted skin tone to the flesh tone plastic.
Me? You said Robocop > BRPerhaps you're not the fellow Kinoisseur I thought you were . . .
Of course it's overrated, what isn't nowadays?I'll admit, as far as characters go I like Batty and Sebastian with his toys. Barry's monologue is thought provoking enough. But other than that, eh. I think the whole thing is overrated. I don't need to see Deckard slowly eat Lo Mein for what feels like and hour and I don't care whether he's a repli**** or not.
*ahem*You don't see appeal in self-aware AI and its implications, or Sci-Fi in general?
The Blade Runner FAQ said:The following information is taken from the 1982 BR Press kit:
REPLICANT -- A genetically engineered creature composed entirely of organic substance.