NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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Love his expression!
Not what I expected (I'm STILL holding out for Drake) but I'm sold. Totally gonna buy 2 at least, I'll need a spare to put in my hive :yess:
Very happy about Burke and the HH sign but another warrior? We will have 5 versions out this fall so i guess i'll have a lot of warriors now! I may have to pass on the ultimates but i really dont want to. Is the dome supposed to be what the props people created before Cameron said get rid of the dome? At this point has Neca used up all the warrior variations besides new battle damaged warriors?
Fantastic that they made Burke. Gives me real hope for Gorman and any other marine bar maybe Apone if indeed they just can't reach him.

Anyway Burke looks excellent. Likeness is nailed as far as I can see. I'm not sure of the significance of the Alien - is that a Warrior who hasn't yet shed its skull dome? Looks nice though.

I'll take at least 2 of these sets anyway. Thrilled that it's not an exclusive - I assumed that'd be the only way Burke would see release.
Fantastic that they made Burke. Gives me real hope for Gorman and any other marine bar maybe Apone if indeed they just can't reach him.

Anyway Burke looks excellent. Likeness is nailed as far as I can see. I'm not sure of the significance of the Alien - is that a Warrior who hasn't yet shed its skull dome? Looks nice though.

I'll take at least 2 of these sets anyway. Thrilled that it's not an exclusive - I assumed that'd be the only way Burke would see release.

I think the compromise is that although he is not an exclusive you still have to buy a two pack with the sign to get him if its really just the Burke you are after. Kind of like how if you want Newt you have to buy another Ripley figure to do it.
View attachment 349973 well I guess I can give up on my humble attempt at Burke now

Murphy's law. Thank you for the part you played in making this figure happen :yess:

I think the compromise is that although he is not an exclusive you still have to buy a two pack with the sign to get him if its really just the Burke you are after. Kind of like how if you want Newt you have to buy another Ripley figure to do it.

True. It's a minor bummer. I accept it though on figures like this that otherwise have limited selling potential.
Just so we all know how sly Randy is

24th June
Tweet: Any chance of @PaulReiser Carter Burke in a future series? or #Gorman?
Neca: We are only able to do the characters that Fox has likeness rights for.
Yeah, he's a master of deception. Kind of keeps things fun in an age of leakers
Also after this news I fancied I'd share the somewhat update? we got on Apone, because I don't believe anyone mentioned the tweet on here? But the tweet has now been removed from twitter- can anyone else remember it?

it's quite important so I'll try to recall;

Basically someone got it touch with a Woman? I believe who is dealing with Al Matthews and selling all his music records or something - they Sounded close to Al. Anyway this Woman was basically told that NECA is interested in making an Apone figure and that they should get in touch with Neca. The Woman said that would be perfect for Al Mathews and asked how to get in contact with NECA. The contact said "I have no idea"... and the Woman went on to say "stay tuned for the music records sale"...

This isn't some poor taste joke, it does carry on;
The contact in touch with the Woman then went and got in touch with Randy on twitter and showed him these screengrabs of the PM's and conversation.
Randy simply said "PM me"
And the records of these tweets are gone the very next day.

Anyway just thought to share this as hopefully this is a step forward, the conversation I read sounded quite optimistic and that this is a real possibility now.

Nothing is confirmed but this is promising for a character / Actor neca previously had ZERO contact with and therefore no chance of making.
I love Burke. I think they nailed Paul Reiser's likeness. And the sign is a welcome addition. I'll be getting this 2-pack on day one. But what's with the Big Chap - Warrior hybrid? Looks good, but I don't get the Aliens connection...
Is Bbts not parting out the new series? I really only want Ripley and Vasquez.