Yeah I was being sarcastic. These aren't exactly what I would call game changers. There's obviously people out there that like this sort of thing though. I'm not into the neon colored video game/comic Aliens myself. I want figures from the movies, specifically the first two.
Yeah no I got that, for me around when you posted I was looking at them and kind of bummed. But then I thought of them next too all the different styles they have given us for 24$ bucks is to me very cool. I can get about 7 of them for the price of a hot toys is my angle. And just for fun , Neca is a game changer to me period
Sorry to change the subject but didn't someone here post pictures of their collection featuring a couple of figures being hung up from the ceiling by wires or fishing line? I've run out of shelf space so I wanted to explore this option but I'm not sure how to do it. If anyone here can give me some pointers I would really appreciate it.
Im betting the new 1/2 scale figure line is what he's referring to as game changer. They announced a deadpool, and I would by pretty surprised if they dont do an Alien and or Predator in that line
Well, that's it, I'm done with being a completist. I thought Pizza Alien was going to be the last straw, but I went ahead and ordered it because I wanted to get the year end figure. But the following wave, featuring four retreads (I'll pick up the jacket Ripley, but I don't need another Vaz, and I definitely don't need more dumb battle damaged Aliens) was the straw that broke the camel's back. Looking at what is coming down the pike (more video game figures) I can feel only relief. I've thrown a major portion of my collection up on eBay, as I just don't care about this stuff anymore. I'll still buy any unique characters that they release from the first two films (super stoked about Burke, and Lambert should be waiting for me when I get home) but life is too short and money is too finite to keep buying a bunch of junk I don't really care about. I didn't even like the Kenner figures the first time around!
Congrats to those who were hoping for these AvP figs, hope they knock them out of the park. But for me, there is only the feeling of a relieved wallet.
I couldn't agree more, i'm done with the neca club after year end because i am not going to pay any more money on lazy kool aid/ money grab repaints or figures like these avp arcade figures i have no interest in. Good for those who like this kind of stuff but its not for me and many, many fellow collectors. I wonder how much this kenner stuff and the neca club will end up turning off collectors, i know im sick of it already. I didn't even say what i think of the cameron(game changer) figure - lol.
I wouldnt say that the AvP arcade figures are lazy, they feature alot of new sculpted parts. But I can understand why people arent interested in them
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Oh no, when i mean lazy repaints i'm mainly talking about the rainbow of colors they are making out of the existing aliens. The arcade figures are repaints with minor retooling from what i've seen with the exception of the one with the extendable head. Again, its just my opinion but i just care for the movie figures and don't like the other stuff with the exception of a few game figures.
I think there was someone here who hangs them from fishing line and thumbtacks on the wall. Makes it look like the aliens are crawling up or down the walls, and is pretty cool!
That was meeee! Glad my pictures are remembered by some.
Yes, I simply use clear thumb tacks and fishing line to make the aliens look like they are crawling on the walls/ceiling or leaping in mid-air. Super easy to do once you get the hang of it. Just make sure you use adequate fishing line and find a physical balance that works with the desired pose.
Here are some photos as examples. They aren't in chronological order, but you can see how I have been progressively filling up the space.