Hopefully it's just a bluff answer or something. Maybe he was asked to deny that a deal had been done. NECA usually prefers to wait until some appointed time to say definitively that something is going ahead.
I tweeted Mark Rolston to see if i could get an update on a Drake figure and he replied back saying Neca wasn't able to make a deal. For whatever reason it sounds like Randy doesn't want to make Drake for some reason which ticks me off. So Burke - which I'll gladly buy but not Drake? Come on Randy!!
...who's that behind Vasquez? It could only be Hicks or Hudson but it looks like neither.
Haven't heard from Neca in a while, i wonder if Randy is on vacation?
That they do. As for the Warriors, I really hope the packaging is conducive to us getting figures with straight ****ing legs for once.
Just saw a tweet from Mark Rolston saying Neca contacted him and it sounds like Drake is happening. I appreciate Mark being so open but i bet neca would prefer to keep it a suprise for a while - lol.