NECA: Alien Movie Franchise Figures

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That's weird. Doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my internet connection. I installed ublock last night to finally get rid of that Quantcast crap, I wonder is that preventing it from appearing.
Got my “ultimate” Aliens warrior.
The only “ultimate” I can think of after having it in hand for a while is ultimate disappointment.
It’s a poorly painted, poorly manufactured, warped piece of crap.
I love NECA, and I have always supported their Alien lines, but to call this “ultimate” is a joke.
The paint apps are marginaly better than their usual fare, the plastic seems just as soft, and the overall QC and manufacture are the usual mess.
The back tubes and legs are warped, the left leg is noticeably longer due to the joint at the hip being anchored much lower, there is a connecting tube missing on the left side of the face, the tail is skewed to the right, and most of the joints are stuck because of paint residue. And there’s even some glue residue on the back tubes.
I wish I knew what NECA’s problems are that they can’t source a decent factory, but this is really ridiculous. I remember just how crisp the detail and how clean the paint apps (as simple as they were), as well as strong the plastic on their earlier versions of the aliens were...
I’ve never felt this disappointed with a NECA release before, maybe it’s because I really thought I would be getting a halfway decent collectible. But it’s barely a cheap plastic toy. Such a waste of a great sculpt.
Screw you NECA. I’ve had it with your stuff.

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I love NECA, and I have always supported their Alien lines, but to call this “ultimate” is a joke.
judging by your description of quality fails, it truly is ultimate NECA - not ultimate alien.
judging by your description of quality fails, it truly is ultimate NECA - not ultimate alien.


It's funny, 'cause it's true. NECA's products always look great, but I'm always a bit disappointed when I have them in hand. (Sometimes more than a bit...)
I know Neca can have quality control issues, so do other companies, but sometimes I see people display their bad neca's and can't help but wonder if they bought a bootleg. Some figures look flawless, others look like knock offs, talking about the same figure in comparison. Don't know if that's the case with the ultimate described above but the difference is sometimes really big between the good ones and the bad ones.
After Abake's review of the Ultimate Alien Warrior (and my own acquisition of it yesterday) all I can think about when I look at that Newborn is how much warping it's going to have.

The four Aliens I got maybe aren't quite as bad as Abake's but they do have leg warping to at least some degree, the blues being worse than the browns for some reason - one of the blues also has the back tubes completely askew.

Paint seems to be OK for the most part, mine have reasonably good teeth which is the first thing I always notice when they're messed up. As Abake said though they have some locked joints. Hairdryer treatment recommended - I'd do it on the warped parts but in my experience the fix never lasts.

It actually is the Ultimate Warrior Alien, I love the sculpt and the articulation now is incredible. They're just blighted with most of the usual QC problems, there's been no fix on that front.
I know Neca can have quality control issues, so do other companies, but sometimes I see people display their bad neca's and can't help but wonder if they bought a bootleg.
bootleg or not doesn't mean anything when it's Neca. for example:
Don't know if that's the case with the ultimate described above but the difference is sometimes really big between the good ones and the bad ones.
one of my small Neca TMNT is almost perfect, and another has Raphael with damaged ankle joint and weird eyes, and Michelangelo has a head of strange shape. no bootlegs of those sets, but still exactly what you describe - "the difference is sometimes really big between the good ones and the bad ones".
Got my “ultimate” Aliens warrior.
The only “ultimate” I can think of after having it in hand for a while is ultimate disappointment.
It’s a poorly painted, poorly manufactured, warped piece of crap.
I love NECA, and I have always supported their Alien lines, but to call this “ultimate” is a joke.
The paint apps are marginaly better than their usual fare, the plastic seems just as soft, and the overall QC and manufacture are the usual mess.
The back tubes and legs are warped, the left leg is noticeably longer due to the joint at the hip being anchored much lower, there is a connecting tube missing on the left side of the face, the tail is skewed to the right, and most of the joints are stuck because of paint residue. And there’s even some glue residue on the back tubes.
I wish I knew what NECA’s problems are that they can’t source a decent factory, but this is really ridiculous. I remember just how crisp the detail and how clean the paint apps (as simple as they were), as well as strong the plastic on their earlier versions of the aliens were...
I’ve never felt this disappointed with a NECA release before, maybe it’s because I really thought I would be getting a halfway decent collectible. But it’s barely a cheap plastic toy. Such a waste of a great sculpt.
Screw you NECA. I’ve had it with your stuff.

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Literally the same experience I had with their first Alien Warrior. I don't get the "we used the wrong factory back then" or "we're moving to a new factory now" line. It's been the same garbage over and over again for nearly a decade. The 1/4 Turtles, which were by far the most impressive pieces NECA's ever put out, had paint flaking off the hand pegs.

Even if they have a big enough canvas that they can't possibly screw up the paint details, the quality of the paints and plastics themselves will always be of the lowest tier and the figures will be assembled and packed before the paint dries. Maybe the people running the company (or their apologists) have been huffing the PVC fumes too long to notice, but as far as I'm concerned, the factory nonsense is just that: nonsense.

They'd do better to abandon the Target audience and instead market to the same folks as the Four Horsemen's Mythic Legions. $35-$40 per figure, no messing around. If it's good, people will buy it.


Beautiful. Too bad prototypes mean absolutely nothing with this company.
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You summed it up, Blade. I get so irritated with NECA because they've got such beautiful-looking prototypes, but the finished products simply aren't made to last. I still find myself buying a figure every now and again, but I'm always slightly annoyed and disappointed when I open it. I think I mentioned 'battered wife syndrome' on here before... :ohbfrank:
I keep passing on the ultimate aliens warrior when I see it at target. I was originally interested in picking one up to go alongside my old wave 2 blue warrior, but it just looks cheap I guess. The egg looks particularly awful, nowhere near as good as the carton version. The paintjob makes it look like a bootleg.

Seems like the quality has been all over the place this year. I've had some gems (part 1 Freddy reissue, SDCC Hawkins, part 2 Jason, part 5 dream Jason in particular I'm very happy with), but there's been absolute garbage as well. I'm still trying to salvage my part 2 Freddy that I got in February. I gave up for months after trying and failing to repaint his heads because of the disgusting paint wash they used that was still wet in the package. In retrospect I should have just returned it.

I was looking forward to the new predator wave, but the ones I saw in person looked really bad. The Machikos I saw had really sloppy paint, and warped parts. Same goes for the reissue of part 3 Freddy. When I first spotted them at target a few weeks ago, they looked like bootlegs. Such a shame, because we know they are capable of better than this. All these delays because of factory issues, and then the final product still looks bad.
A look at the Resurrection Warrior.


Hopefully the joints are nice and sturdy like their AVP aliens were (mine were anyway), though the grid alien's head liked to pop off all too easy.
it looks way more interesting than it did in the movie.
Neca has a super talented alien sculptor.