Got my brown Xenomorph Warrior today and, well...
...he's cheap garbage. I'm surprised I made the decision to buy knowing full-well that the best I can get -- and this is assuming I'm lucky -- is a *decent* paintjob. And I wouldn't consider myself lucky here. The glue used to hold the parts together is also very weak and the soft plastic joints, while they are less prone to snapping, can arrive with factory tears. As if that wasn't enough, the jaw is loose.
Since NECA's previous Alien outing, the overall durability has increased. This doesn't make the figures any less "meh." And last I checked, you could get better than "meh" for $25.
The Marines aren't just the backbone of this line, they
are this line. I should be getting them on Monday and am very excited to see how they turn out. Having second thoughts though. I may just keep them in the packaging and wait for my two Genocide packs to ship out from CSC to see if the all-black Aliens look better. If they're good, I'll keep them. If not, I'm selling everything, pulling out of the 7" line, and waiting for the 18" figures.
I really do love the added articulation and features, the execution just needs a fix. It pisses me off how there are no good figures of the second film's baddies and the potential is here. Maybe scaling things up will do the trick.
I really don't need this crap, Sideshow is supposedly revealing their Alien LSB's soon and I'll need to save all the money I can for those...