Mine arrived yesterday evening. It's weird to finally have a figure from the original film.
The sculpt is really good, and the face prints are pretty clean. I am adding gloss to the eyes, as they are way too flat. He's all new, but you can tell they based his body proportions and design off of their Evil Dead 2 sculpt. His shirt might be a little too bright of a blue, but it's not too bad. Overall, they did great job getting his clothes right, especially the shoes.
His accessories are mostly excellent. The chainsaw is spot on, and I love the lantern since it can also double as the one from Evil Dead 2. The axe is cool, but I would have preferred we got the one that was actually in the movie. The shotgun has a perfect sculpt. but the paintjob is one of the worst I've ever seen. It's really sloppy. I will repaint it for sure.
If I had a major complaint, it would be that they cast his arms in flesh plastic and then painted the blue over it. I imagine the blue will gradually rub off his elbows and shoulders if care isn't taken when posing him. As expensive as these figures are getting, there is absolutely no excuse for that kind of shortcut being taken.
Also, I did have to heat the arm and leg joints as they were all frozen stiff.