NECA - Pacific Rim

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I just got the 18 inch gipsy in the mail today. Man is this thing a monstrosity, he's huge. I've never owned anything in the 18 inch scale so I wasn't prepared for the actual size of this guy. He's awesome and everything but I'd like to see Neca try to do a 12 inch scale figure with more possibility, closer to the Hot Toys Iron Man figures for 90$.

Though he is mighty impressive, he is a border line statue. Elbows barely bend, legs and arms don't twist and the ankles would be better on ball joints, but they are sturdy, which is nice.

Overall I'm happy with the purchase, for 90$ you couldn't really ask for more than this, adding all the articulation would rocket the cost up to 150$ plus easily, so I'm glad I got Danger, mighty fine piece.
I found everything I was looking for, finally. But NECA still frustrates the hell out of me. These things shouldn't have been this hard to find, considering they release those Predators like crazy.
I actually never had any problem finding any of the figures. In fact, I just saw both Series 1 and Series 2 figures still on shelves at a local small (thinking toys) retailer who carries limited figures.

I've heard some people call these figures "scalper's delight" due to the limited numbers...but considering it was to a large extent an untested property, and now with the recognized demand, I think NECA is doing really well re-releasing the 18" Gypsy and sizing up the Kaiju and releasing more figures to meet fan/collector demand.
Well, it's been a scalper's delight over here. I saw the original set before the film came out, and afterwards they were gone. Fair enough. NECA said they would release more...and they did. One single case each store. That's 1x of each figure. 3 figures per store.

Those didn't last long.

I didn't see a single Pacific Rim item until earlier last month.

I only call it blind luck that I found lil Gipsy. There was 3 of them at the store I bought that broken Striker at. So who knows. The 18 incher was just insane to find. Nowhere online, nowhere in stores ( I called everywhere too), aside from scalpers....until someone linked me to BBTS selling the Feb release, and I swooped in on that. And luckily someone cancelled so she's going to be here in a few days.

So I don't know. It's been just a cluster**** for me. No one at the stores knew what the deal was, nor did the product stay longer then a day on the pegs. Where's all their Predator crap pegwarmed for weeks before anyone touched them. They released a TON of Predator crap last month. Wow. :lol

But I would've been less mad had they not have scalped their own product. What the hell was that about? :lol
Dammmmmmmmmmn kenny.No but for reals i have the same problem , my Toys r us releases one box and i only know that because there is the one figure no wanted out on the shelf.lame
I saw multiples of each of the smaller figures at both of the TRUs in my area (suburban STL) and even a few out in West County at smaller retailers.

I wasn't going to get anything of the figures...but then I saw Jeff Saylor's review of the 18" Gypsy over at and I just had to have it.

I got the Blu-ray/DVD/Digi on Amazon for $6 on Black Friday, the art/production book for $20 (w/ coupons) from B&N and the 18" figure from TRU for only $86 shipped.

Just scored the 27x40" theatrical teaser poster for my basement wall for only $10 too. I'll put it up right next to the 18" Gypsy :D
I got the Blu-ray/DVD/Digi on Amazon for $6 on Black Friday, the art/production book for $20 (w/ coupons) from B&N and the 18" figure from TRU for only $86 shipped.

Just scored the 27x40" theatrical teaser poster for my basement wall for only $10 too. I'll put it up right next to the 18" Gypsy :D

You're lucky or what!!!
Hi all...I got this thing on pre-order but didn't even realize BBTS charged my card until I checked my visa statements. I am a little conflicted as I LIKE this piece but I don't think I'd lose any sleep over it (as of now) if I don't have it. I guess I may cancel the order depending how hard it is to chase one down 6 months or a year later? I have learned my hard lesson with Hot Toys is to buy now regret later, what about Neca? thanks.
Hi all...I got this thing on pre-order but didn't even realize BBTS charged my card until I checked my visa statements. I am a little conflicted as I LIKE this piece but I don't think I'd lose any sleep over it (as of now) if I don't have it. I guess I may cancel the order depending how hard it is to chase one down 6 months or a year later? I have learned my hard lesson with Hot Toys is to buy now regret later, what about Neca? thanks.

This is is being released again in February, so if you change your mind in a couple months there will be a chance to purchase again.
Cherno Proto from NECA's twitter

Does anyone know a place I can preorder 18 inch gypsy danger for 2nd batch? I'm in Canada and need a site that can declare low value for shipping otherwise I'll get a big duty charge.
Does anyone know a place I can preorder 18 inch gypsy danger for 2nd batch? I'm in Canada and need a site that can declare low value for shipping otherwise I'll get a big duty charge. I think is based out of Canada and they said they were getting a second batch:)