Re: NECA: New PREDATOR movie figures announced
It's really easy to pick up the ball that's for sure. I'm hoping we get Alien 3 and give the fans a figure they should've gotten 7 years ago. Such a shame the guys at McFarlane didn't really care at all about film accurarte figures. I'm not a fan of the movie Alien 3 but Tom Woodruff himself told me it would make his day if we would make a new figure of it. Tom and Alec both were really unhappy with all the McFarlane figures of their work.
I'm looking at our new Predator figure right now and if China comes through on this figure fans that like film accurte figures will really enjoy this guy. As a huge fan myself this prototype is a dream come true for me. Maybe Alien 3 will happen. I'm hoping for the queen myself. Alien and Predators take forever to sculpt but in the end it's way worth it I think. They're just so freaking cool.
Can't wait for these puppies! They'll go great with my NECA Giger Alien and Warrior Alien.
But this leaves one question... where the heck's my Doggy? I bet they'd do a MUCH better job than McF on that one.
Even their Wolf was better than any McF Pred I've seen. Seems they picked up the ball from where Todd dropped it.
It's really easy to pick up the ball that's for sure. I'm hoping we get Alien 3 and give the fans a figure they should've gotten 7 years ago. Such a shame the guys at McFarlane didn't really care at all about film accurarte figures. I'm not a fan of the movie Alien 3 but Tom Woodruff himself told me it would make his day if we would make a new figure of it. Tom and Alec both were really unhappy with all the McFarlane figures of their work.
I'm looking at our new Predator figure right now and if China comes through on this figure fans that like film accurte figures will really enjoy this guy. As a huge fan myself this prototype is a dream come true for me. Maybe Alien 3 will happen. I'm hoping for the queen myself. Alien and Predators take forever to sculpt but in the end it's way worth it I think. They're just so freaking cool.