hello guys! this is my review of series 5 of Predator figures by Neca! But, is in Brazilian Portuguese...
Can you guys see NECA releasing all the Losties in 1/4 or is the entire Lost clan just not that important to you anymore?
Personally I think if you still want the Losties, you'll be taking a chance if you don't buy the small ones.
I was going through some boxed figures I have stored away and pulled out my masked wolf from avpr. I forgot what a superb job neca did on this figure. The sculpt and paint on it are awesome. I don't know if it's old factory or what but if they could get that quality back they would be a real contender for my money.
I was going through some boxed figures I have stored away and pulled out my masked wolf from avpr. I forgot what a superb job neca did on this figure. The sculpt and paint on it are awesome. I don't know if it's old factory or what but if they could get that quality back they would be a real contender for my money.
Found them (to my surprise) at TRU here in NE Phila on Thursday. Very nice. The joints are very loose like the prior series though. Seems like Neca goes from one extreme to the other. Before that joints were really tight, too tight. Now too loose. Need them 'just right' like Goldy-Locks.I finally found a set of Predator series 5 figures today at TRU. They all turned out great, especially the forehead pattern on Snake. Now just to wait on series 6, the exclusives, and the 25th anniversary figures...
I have to say, Looking at my 18 Inch Preds, they are the best figures in my collection, looking at them today, they are just amazing, the sculpt is just so amazing. I don't want to be that guy, but they are bette than my HT preds, I like the HT preds alot, yes, I love them, but the NECA 18 Pred is just breathtaking,
some people in my family thought they were sculptures at first sight too, my cousin thought I paid a lot for them,
Yeah, my mate came to visit last week and the big boy was the one that caught his eye. Still the best Predator out there.![]()
I Rather have loose joints than tight joints, at least the loose joints dont break, I know what you mean ,but if is between loose and tight, then loose is much better, they might be too lose but at least they wont breakFound them (to my surprise) at TRU here in NE Phila on Thursday. Very nice. The joints are very loose like the prior series though. Seems like Neca goes from one extreme to the other. Before that joints were really tight, too tight. Now too loose. Need them 'just right' like Goldy-Locks.
Excatly! Everytime everyone sees one of those is really impressed by the sculpt. They all think they've costed a fortune lol. Definitely the biggest bang for the bucks! Waiting for more goodies in 1/4 from NECA
I Rather have loose joints than tight joints, at least the loose joints dont break, I know what you mean ,but if is between loose and tight, then loose is much better, they might be too lose but at least they wont break
yeah, people assume i spent hundreds of dollars on the pred,lol