Finally hit my TRU this weekend, but not so lucky for pickings. Zero 'jungles', 2 preds, and only 1 'extraction' (with Crap paint. Literally the brown paint on the camo pants looks like lumpy smeared poo). Sadly I left empty handed.
I wanted the Jungle most and couldn't bring myself to get the smeared pants extraction. The pred looked great, but just not different enough from what I have to justify the purchase. At least not yet...
Just keep checking they are obviously showing up at TRU now, nobody should waste going online and paying more for the set plus shipping at this point

I saw them over the weekend and another TRU, but the paint work wasn't the best on either of them but they did have them.
You just have to time it finding it at TRU. But I thought it was going to be difficult, but it looks like they won't be hard to find after all.
The challenge will be getting a good set with no paint problems, but for that to happen you have to beat other collectors.