Hmmm... yes, I guess those AvP:R delays do set a concerning precedent. In my post of a few days ago, I somewhat jokingly mentioned the potential of the upcoming media entries to these franchises for causing further delay to figure releases... but maybe that is no joking matter!
You're definitely familiar with my username on twitter, as I do my best there to give positive support to any tweets I notice where fans are requesting more human figures from the ALIEN/S/3, Predator/2, and Terminator/2 films. My engagement there is about as sporadic as it is here, but since you're one of those fans fightin' the good fight to let Randy know what figures we still need, I know I've liked a number of your tweets since noticing you over there. I go by Hive_Builder which, now that I think about it, does have some unintentional resemblance to my username here (hive builder / drone... yeah?). I suppose it is not always safe to assume that an A-Dev in one place must be the same person as an a-dev in another, but if the matching usernames weren't enough of a clue, the content of your tweets compared against your posts on this forum definitely confirmed it.
Keep up the good fight on the twitter front - I think letting Randy know that fans like us are still out here does at least
something to forestall that 'quiet fading away' of our favorite toy lines, and hopefully increases the likelihood of getting more of our missing Marines + variants...
+ Connors, + Harrigans... etc., etc.