I would love a Clarence too.
I would love a Clarence too.
Unless the old molds wore out and they tooled up new ones with all the same inaccuracies, everything except the chair, muzzle blast, and unmasked head are the same. Terminal strip fist is from the OG release, Cobra cannon from the "Non-Ultimate" version, and the battle-damage body has a solid right thigh (the spring-loaded holster was developed a couple years later) so that's the old tooling too. They didn't even get rid of the black neck seal at the top of the chest (so the unmasked look isn't quite right), another point toward total re-use.
Maybe the helmet is different, but I removed & trimmed all of mine to get them to sit right about five minutes after opening them, so I don't remember what they looked like originally.
I'm not surprised they didn't give the Auto-9 a magazine (it'd be a metal-off change, so pretty cheap) because that'd probably interfere with the holster, but it's weird they still haven't made a relaxed right hand. They've pumped out that same gun grip right for a decade now over, like... 9 different releases? 12? And he still doesn't have a natural-looking right hand for when you're actually using that fancy leg holster.
Not trying to be a downer, because this is awesome, I've been wanting pretty much this exact figure for almost my entire life, and I am absolutely getting both of them, but it's got a lot of inherited funkiness that I wish they'd do something about.