HUGE, HUGE part of Rocky. Even more than the fights
For fans with money to throw around, more casual collectors or those on a tight budget, it's not likely to win wallets over a figure based on the fight.
HUGE, HUGE part of Rocky. Even more than the fights
The Rocky figures must have sold very well considering more are coming out this year. Too bad we can't say the same for Rambo. Rocky with the title belt looks awesome, even though it's mainly re-used parts.
Yeah, but I blame NECA for the slow Rambo sales. They released the same Rambo 2 figure 3 times. Hopefully, they still make the bow attack version or a Rambo 3 version. I wonder if that belt is removable?
They said on twitter that they're done with Rambo. They said the sales were too weak.
So Rambo is done. I guess this means Rocky is truly Stallone's most enduring character. As a child of the eighties, even though my Stallone fandom didn't develop till later, I feel I must buy these figures.
By the looks of it in comparison to the actual Rocky III poster the hair should be fuller on the sides of the head of the Rocky III figure, would this be a common viewpoint?
My Stallone fandom has been insufficient, I know this. I want to make up for it by buying NECA figures![]()
I wouldn't read much into that graphic, that's just an iconic image you can easily recognize as Rocky without detail, it's almost a logo for the series. I honestly don't see NECA doing a street clothes or running suit Rocky, they're focusing on him from the fights as those looks are what would cater most to the larger market, only super fans would spend $20 on Rocky in a jogging suit from a training montage.
I wouldn't read much into that graphic, that's just an iconic image you can easily recognize as Rocky without detail, it's almost a logo for the series. I honestly don't see NECA doing a street clothes or running suit Rocky, they're focusing on him from the fights as those looks are what would cater most to the larger market, only super fans would spend $20 on Rocky in a jogging suit from a training montage.
I'd wager that this...
![]() Mego style would sell well, though, no?
What about his Rocky IV training montage? Or the Rocky III run on the beach with Apollo?![]()
They don't have enough plastic in the world to recreate those cod pieces the two wore on the beach.