James Cameron probably forgot about it. He's stuck on Pandora.
Also the parts with his childhood friend/romance was so useless. As if they had to put it because some producers wanted some romance for the lady audience. I prefered the bromance between Max & Julio :/
Saw it again.
What a beautifully designed movie, what a bad script and aweful direction.
The two worst thing? The useless love story as if saving the world was not enough. Kruger going ape**** in the end, why? Because hes crazyyyyyyy yu know. Lamest excuse to make **** happen in the end...
The cool thing, the pace.
Movie moves fast and thats great.
No more interested in hs work now.
Ill Check when he decides to let a real screenwriter and stop the bad handheld cam ****.
its beautiful. even if you hate the story, i think the effects make up for it