I was never much for noir and crime stuff. Sure I watch them but the aesthetic and atmosphere have to be on point, otherwise I won’t seek them out. It’s part of the reason why I outgrew Batman. If it wasn’t for the Gothic vibe, I doubt I’d care. As for real life sickos, I don’t like engaging with them on that level. Add the usual fluff of adaptations, I’m out. A movie I can watch if it’s enticing, but a whole series? Nah. If I’m going to waste time on something unimportant like that, I’d rather watch my cute Gothfu Wednesday be a ****. Real life cannibalistic rapists leading depressing lives is not something I need. Yeah I still love Hannibal, but that’s because he’s pretty much a cape character and he’s played by Mads. No, that does not make me a hypocrite, bugger off you lot.
This Wednesday show is like low rent Harry Potter with 1/1000th of the budget and nothing new in it, but it’s comfy if you like the vibe. I’ve watched far worse stuff that I regretted spending time on. This is background noise with some nice bits. I like the new Wednesday gal too, so that helps. If Fester was Depp as some people hoped, and Guzman got more screentime, maybe I’d have liked it more. As it stands it’s okay. A 5-6/10 genre fast food schlock. But I like it.