New Action Hero Sculpt - Tee Two & Double Dutch - Truthful Liar coming soon!

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Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

:yess: :1-1:

Honestly your opinion was one I was looking forward to the most as I know how much you love Terminator - And not blinded by HT love to say the T2 Sculpt is the best ever. One of the few :lol

Thank you sir.

Thanks for holding my view in such high esteem, especially considering I'm no sculptor. :1-1:

The HT sculpt...its Arnie-esque, but off in some really annoying ways that I think your sculpt will rectify. I mean look at this shot from my recent Pescadero photo series:


Now, I didn't say it in the MMS117 thread where I posted it originally but I think the above looks awful. Sure you can see a lot distinguishing Arnie features there but as a whole it just looks way off, eyes look a mile apart.

I'd be interested in a few other guy's views on your new one aswell, I think I'll send them the way of this thread.
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Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

I just got a PM notification about this thread.


That Arnold looks like it'll be damn good.
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

I was summoned to this thread! This looks great!!! The likeness looks just about perfect imo. Though i'll admit, depending on how the hair looks, is a big part of getting the right T2 look imo. Both HT and Enterbay hair sculpts were off and could be much better. So far so good.
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

I was summoned to this thread! This looks great!!! The likeness looks just about perfect imo. Though i'll admit, depending on how the hair looks, is a big part of getting the right T2 look imo. Both HT and Enterbay hair sculpts were off and could be much better. So far so good.


Agreed completely. With the HT its too flat on the sides in the front view. Looks good in profile view though. The Enterbay hair only looks good from the front at a low angle IMO. Pretty much every other angle looks like a big puffy bun.

I like these screengrabs for his T2 hair:








I think they show the shape of his head, the shape of his hairline and where it should be, how far down the back of his head his hair should go, and the general length of his hair in the film. I would make sure it isn't too evenly spiky at the fringe (Or what you call in the US the 'bangs') or over the rest of his head generally lest it look like a flat-top, Guile from Street Fighter II. I would also try to avoid it looking like a bouffant Enterbay bun or SS PF quiff! I don't ask for much :monkey3
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

Yep, you've nailed Arnie!

I'd keep this basic bald one on file, then you can age it up or down depending on which era Arnie you fancied doing from any movie.
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

maybe have to replaced my t2 arnold now
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

Ok guys - I think it's about as good as I am getting it at this point.
Skin detailing then hair!


Hollllllllllly NOFATE notch on a table, Dean!
So far this looks really promising, can't wait to see it all textured :)
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

The sculpt already looks way better than the Hot Toys one but......I don't want to be the only with a complaint but to me it looks like his temple area is way too deep. It could just be me, or it just seems that way due to the lack of hair but just quickly comparing a-dev's screengrabs and the sculpt it really struck me. :peace:monkey3
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

Yeah that's a good point, the temples look like they could do with a little filling out

This is the beauty of 3D sculpting though, i'm sure it's a relatively easy fix :)
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

Yeah that's a good point, the temples look like they could do with a little filling out

This is the beauty of 3D sculpting though, i'm sure it's a relatively easy fix :)

I'm relieved you see it too cause I'm not one of the many that scrutinize and comment on the latest HT HS and I didn't want to come over as the ass of the thread :wink1:
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

I'm relieved you see it too cause I'm not one of the many that scrutinize and comment on the latest HT HS and I didn't want to come over as the ass of the thread :wink1:

Not at all man - I appreciate the feedback. Unlike Hot Toys - I will listen and adjust for optimal likeness :lecture
Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

Great screen shots a-dev. Something along those lines would be perfect. I've always liked the more spikey look he had (during the cyberdyne scenes for example) Which also makes me wonder why HT gave him a mini-mullet with the DX 10. :lol

Re: Neck-less Arnold head coming soon!

Great screen shots a-dev.

Thanks, although those aren't my own I took them from sites like these:

Something along those lines would be perfect. I've always liked the more spikey look he had (during the cyberdyne scenes for example) Which also makes me wonder why HT gave him a mini-mullet with the DX10

I've always seen his T2 hair as, yes spiked up, but also long enough that it kind of rolls back with its own weight on top - so its not just sticking up perfectly vertical into the air. I think Enterbay had the right idea but unfortunately they did it just too even all over where it ended up looking like a big bun. It needed a bit more choppiness, less thickly sculpted on the crown...I dunno what I must sound like here.

K look basically I think Dean should just copy the hair on NECAs 12" Pescadero Escape figure - I think they nailed it. Looks right from every angle.