All balance pre-orders payments for Ares, Athena Golden, Conan The Sacrifice, Minotaurus, and the Angel of Darkness can already be paid off on our new website. Our factory has confirmed that all products are ready to ship, and we will start shipping all pre-orders this month of August 2014.
In order to make your balance payment please follow these 4 steps below:
1. Go to our new ARH Studios new website:
(Please make sure to type in our new website address because it has changed since you last purchased this pre-order).
2. Create a new account and provide your current address information again. (You must create a new account even if you already had an account with our old website. All old accounts created on our old ARH Studios website no longer exist, so in order to pay the balance for your pre-order, you must create a new account on the new website and provide your information once more).
3. Once you’re logged in, go to our “Statues Gallery” page and look for the product you purchased under the subcategory IN STOCK (Please notice that only on the subcategory IN STOCK you will find the correct product page to pay your balance).
4. Once you are on the product page for your item, just click the button “BUY NOW” to pay your balance. Our check out system will calculate and add your shipping costs accordingly to your location, and an email will be sent to us informing that your payment has been made and provide us with your current shipping address.
If you have already paid more than the initial deposit, need to pay only the shipping costs, or has a different amount owed, please contact us through this email:
[email protected]
We will send you a PayPal invoice for the correct amount you owe.
Once your balance is paid you can expect a shipping notice from us right before your product ships. All international orders will ship first, and US orders will ship once product arrives from factory and clear US customs.