NEW Bespin Luke Shipping Experiment

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The muzzle on the blaster was applied crooked, the lightsaber blade is loose AND crooked, and the right wrist joint is so loose that it will not even support the weight of the peg without a hand on it. But I know that Sideshow will make it all better.

That sucks... but my muzzle was also a bit "bent" and a little hairblower treatment worked to straighten it out.

Someone else here had the lightsaber blade issue and loose hand issue as well. I would think SS would send you a new blade and hand with peg. A hassle I know, but better than living with it.
I think that my order is going to be the last one to process, but that's only going to be due to the fact that SS have been grouping my orders (especially when they come in waves) to save on shipping (as it's been kind of pricey getting multiple orders shipped simultaneously to the Great White North). I think they're keeping my Exc. Luke to be shipped with the Exc. Leia and the Sandtrooper dio---

It's going to be a long wait for me...:monkey2
Well, my order finally converted to Shipping Soon, but since I live in NJ, and since UPS has decided to take off the day AFTER Thanksgiving, I'm looking at next Monday. :(
Although, nothing gets you through a Monday like knowing there is some SW goodness on the doorstep. :)

I'm confident he'll be worth the wait, this is my most anticipated figure so far.
Ordering at SDCC doesn't mean diddly squat as far as shipping order is concerned.:monkey2

I want my Bespin Luke now!!!:monkey5:D

You are right. The Josh ordered his at SDCC and is scheduled to receive his on the 21st. Screamingmetal ordered his on PPO day and is receiving his also on the 21. Both Josh and screamingmetal are in MO.

Moral of the story? :dunno
mine's due on the 21st. can't wait!

my parent's are having hardwood laid so no Thanksgiving with my family for me but I'll get my Luke! :monkey2
You can chalk me up for delivery on Monday the 26th and I ordered on PPO day; though it was a good hour or so later than PPO start time - forgot about PPO that day.
So with the Leias on a 3-5 when does the NEW ANH Leia Shipping Experiment thread start? :lol
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I emailed SS yesterday about not getting a shipping notice yet and got a response and a Quantum View today.:chew
I'll have him next Wed.
I just got luke today... and from the box he is as close to perfect as you can get! Definately makes me glad I got him for my first Luke!