It's not like Sue's view of things only represents a tiny faction of the Buffyverse fanbase. If she, and others who feels the same, don't speak up, next thing you know we'll be offered a Willow in a thong statue. It only "is what it is" if producers are led to believe that this is what fanbase wants, or wants to see more of.
While guys may be the predominant force in the statue collecting universe, in all fairness, girls are quite likely the predominant force in the Buffy Universe. Sideshow appears to have, at least imo, all but completely dismissed the preferences of this majority. Ultimately, this likely serves as a poignant commentary as to how the SS brass generally perceives the male statue collecting fanbase, which is that that skank sells over authenticity. While that may be true when we're talking about Ms. Marvel, I'm not sure the same goes for Willow.
I have NEVER seen a single request from any fan, male or female, for a skanky Willow.
Eli's point and the point I'm supporting is two-fold: 1.) complaining isn't going to solve much and 2.) it's Sideshow's interpretation, meaning it won't be 100% of the Willow, Faith, Buffy, etc. we all "know." (so don't expect it to be.)
Describing Willow's look as "skanky" among other things isn't going to get anything solved. I've read more complaining than anything else and if somebody is looking to get their voice heard, I would suggest a more constructive approach. From those people that don't like the sculpt, concept, etc., I've yet to hear one, genuinely positive comment from them. (And if that person can't find one, just one...then that's probably where the problem lies.) I've pointed out the base numerous times, and yet not cares to comment on that. It seems more people are focused on Willow's skirt. Yeah, it's a skirt. Big deal. I wouldn't classify that as "skanky." I've seen a lot worse.

While it's not necessarily something I tend to imagine Willow in, it's Sideshow's "twist." I respect that. That's the direction their crew wanted to take and so be it. As I said before, no one is ever going to make that perfect piece IMO and honestly, it won't be done because there's always some party out there that's not satisfied and ready to boycott it. Sideshow knows that and instead, they took this line in their own direction. It started with Buffy, will continue with Faith and Willow, and hopefully, will reach other characters of the Whedonverse because I'm liking it.
If people despise these new pieces that much, then they need to go post a comment on Sideshow's website. I've already posted my praise (minutes after the reveal went up), and yet I didn't see any comments about "skanks" on there. In fact, I haven't seen any negative comments yet, which translates to the idea that no male
or female was offended enough to the point that they felt compelled to post. So apparently, not too many people are pushing for a change at this point.
Now, for the record (and I'm underlining this, so people don't fly off of their rocker):
I'm NOT saying that ANYONE'S opinion is wrong. This is all my opinion. I love hearing everyone's opinion and bouncing ideas back and forth, even when I may not see eye-to-eye with them. That's why I come on these message boards. That's the whole discuss stuff. This place rocks!
The name-calling and complaining though is going a bit far because, as Eli said, won't change anything effectively. If anything, it's border-line disrespectful to Sideshow's artists, sculptors, painters, etc. (like Trevolver and Silent Surfer) that made this line possible. Between you and me, I'd like to see a Buffy line that will stay "afloat" for more than 4 pieces. I think this line has the potential to do that.