So I got my Doctor in today. Unfortunately he's got red staining from the bow tie on his chin, and his left arm appears to have been placed on incorrectly, as it will bend back like he's got a broken arm, but not forward in the right manner.
Just asked Big Chief what to do. This is my first 1:6 figure. Kind of a bummer. Can I even fix the arm myself?
I'd say yes !!
Convinced BC will do a TARDIS. And the DALEK was hinted at in an email I got.
Just gotta see these guys get the stuff up on reorder.
I've already made a TARDIS for the Doctor. A few pics a few pages back.
Still waiting for that tutorial.
So I got my Doctor in today. Unfortunately he's got red staining from the bow tie on his chin, and his left arm appears to have been placed on incorrectly, as it will bend back like he's got a broken arm, but not forward in the right manner.
Just asked Big Chief what to do. This is my first 1:6 figure. Kind of a bummer. Can I even fix the arm myself?
That's just sod's law, that your very first figure should be imperfect. Welcome to the hobby, it's a great figure to start with.
Have you got any pictures of the collar staining and can I ask how you feel about that - is it something that upsets you so much you want the shirt and tie replaced? I only ask because my view is that some things you have to let go - such as the fact that the buttons are prone to falling off - and accept that a handmade item will have imperfections. (But obviously people who want 100% perfection are perfectly entitled to ask for it at these prices).
On the other hand anything wrong with the headsculpt is always a dealbreaker for me, and if the shirt is really stained then that would be too (anyone here ever had a GoD Enterbay Lee? That black dye on the tracksuit gets everywhere!).
It's a shame because that HS looks quite well painted otherwise. I'm sure BC will get back to you and sort out your problem.
What do people think, am I alone here in putting such stress on the headsculpt? It really is more important than anything to me, it's what catches the eye more than accessories, clothes or anything else.
Still waiting for that tutorial.