New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

At the risk of sounding cynical, I tend to agree with you. Why else make a body that is not standard-sized?

Tell you what, though. The head looks more in proportion on a larger body. He looks bobble-headed on the Big Chief body.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

You can't really blame a company for attempting some exclusivity though I suppose. They are the ones that have taken the big risk after all. I cannot really say that I am too surprised either really, they did say that they were coming in with their own custom bodies, hence the AMY POND delay.

Whether this ends up working for them or against them remains to be seen.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Is that right about the bodies not being in scale with truetypes? I'm surprised, particularly as it works both ways - yes, you have to buy their bodies for expansions, but on the other hand they could sell their bodies (if you know what I mean!) separately from the figures. It is a great body.

Has anyone ever done a side by side comparison with a truetype?
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

So I just want to get this right.

1 group of people complains when a company directly copies another companies design and now we have a new group of complaining when the figure isn't a direct copy. :lol
Hot Toys bodies were mostly designed for larger bodied actors. Not slender guys like Matt Smith. If you want a slimmer figure to use expansion packs with I suggest looking at the Sideshow bodies or the specially design slim true type.
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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Amy Please...:pray: :impatient:
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

I feel sorry for the folks planning on collecting all of the Doctors. At this pace, you'll have to regenerate.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Hopefully by this time next year, in addition to 11 we have 4 and 10 and possibly one other Doc in hand and one on PO. :pray:
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

The Amy news has her available after the Chinese new year. So that's really 2nd qtr next year. The 10th was to be up for po in dec. we are half way thru at the end of the week.
The bodies thing is bizarre. I'm going to pull the 11 apart and try out a TT body. Having looked at the most recent pics, then my own, he does look too slight, with an enlarged head. Or, I might might just right off the idea of a 1:6 Doctor Who collection as a nice idea that never happened.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

So I just want to get this right.

1 group of people complains when a company directly copies another companies design and now we have a new group of complaining when the figure isn't a direct copy. :lol
Hot Toys bodies were mostly designed for larger bodied actors. Not slender guys like Matt Smith. If you want a slimmer figure to use expansion packs with I suggest looking at the Sideshow bodies or the specially design slim true type.

That's a great point, the great thing about the Matt Smith body is that it doesn't have those heroic proportions found in larger bodied actors and consequently the clothes hang off him in a more realistic way. If anything, the chest could do with being even smaller.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Im still waiting 10th Doctor pre-order. Reveal him already BCS please!:impatient:
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

I'm hoping the delay in preorder is just so BCS can nail down a really accurate release date.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Is anyone here on Gallifrey Base? I went back yesterday for the first time in months and I found that they'd made Pariscub, of all people, a mod! He's all over the spoiler section as well as the toys. Anyone here who ever visits the BG toy section will know that a bigger ****** in fandom it would be hard to find. The guy exists to kill legitimate speculation and comment, mainly because he's got his tongue up the ass of Character Options and likes to break all the rumours himself. Another reason to come here for your Doctor Who toy news!

EDIT: sorry if what I've written sounds like a personal attack but I'm just gobsmacked that he's a mod, and if I tried writing about it on GB I'd be banned.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

I always liked Paris Cub. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

I always liked Paris Cub. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Is anyone here on Gallifrey Base? I went back yesterday for the first time in months and I found that they'd made Pariscub, of all people, a mod! He's all over the spoiler section as well as the toys. Anyone here who ever visits the BG toy section will know that a bigger ****** in fandom it would be hard to find. The guy exists to kill legitimate speculation and comment, mainly because he's got his tongue up the ass of Character Options and likes to break all the rumours himself. Another reason to come here for your Doctor Who toy news!

EDIT: sorry if what I've written sounds like a personal attack but I'm just gobsmacked that he's a mod, and if I tried writing about it on GB I'd be banned.


...because I cannot find the 'Blissful Ignorance' smilie.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Don't ask me, I was banned from Gallifrey Base pretty much instantly after signing up, a couple years back. No idea what that was all about, but I just took it as a sign and moved on. :lol

As for the topic at hand, I consider myself a very patient person, but even I'm growing a bit weary of Big Chief's release struggles at this point, much as I wish to support them. And making promises, only to then not be able to meet them (for whatever reason) only makes matters worse, especially when you start to create an impression that it is happening repeatedly. Never promise anything you don't know you can deliver on, or you'll only make people twice as annoyed in the long run.

I'm still pulling for Big Chief to come through and be able to deliver upon their obvious potential, but I have to admit, I'm not as optimistic as I once was. Especially if there's no December order window for the next piece.
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Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

Don't ask me, I was banned from Gallifrey Base pretty much instantly after signing up, a couple years back. No idea what that was all about, but I just took it as a sign and moved on. :lol

As for the topic at hand, I consider myself a very patient person, but even I'm growing a bit weary of Big Chief's release struggles at this point, much as I wish to support them. And making promises, only to then not be able to meet them (for whatever reason) only makes matters worse, especially when you start to create an impression that it is happening repeatedly. Never promise anything you don't know you can deliver on, or you'll only make people twice as annoyed in the long run.

I'm still pulling for Big Chief to come through and be able to deliver upon their obvious potential, but I have to admit, I'm not as optimistic as I once was. Especially if there's no December order window for the next piece.

December 2013? But seriously, I would personally welcome an order window after Christmas - preferably just after the first payslip of the new year.
Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 from Big Chief Studios!

I've taken the odd friendly jab at BC for the slow pace, but I honestly can't say I'm surprised, nor do I blame them for it. Taking on a high-end 1/6 Who line was a Sisyphean task to begin with, and they've really done about the best you could ask, especially from such a small outfit. I think the 11th Doctor was priced about as high as most are willing to pay, and I'll wager the ever rising production costs are making it difficult to get the 10th or 4th produced at that same price point. Couple that with the fact that no revenue is coming in from the stalled Amy figure, and I think you have the recipe for the delays. I'll be thrilled beyond belief if that Tom figure makes it to market, and I'm really pulling for BC, but I'm bracing myself for the worst.
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