Doctor Who
Super Freak
Blue 6th Doctor! Burgundy 5th Doctor! Movie 7th Doctor! Bearded 11th Doctor! Black and white Doctors!
So many possibilities.
So many possibilities.
What I'd really love this year is a no-frills Christopher Eccleston as Nine figure - only one accessory (the sonic screwdriver) and the outfit (jacket, top, trousers and boots). Just get it out there and let those of us who are big Nu-Series fans have a complete line up of Doctors on our shelves.
I've heard Chris doesn't even want to come back for the 50th Anniversary (might've changed by now, it's been a while since I checked news) so I'm kind of trying not to get my hopes up too much.
Last interview I have seen (around Christmas) where it was mentioned to him he said something to the effect of "I would have to kill you if I told you" when he was asked about plans for the 50th. So I am cautiously optimistic.
Whenever I see this sketch with Liam Neeson I think of Christopher Eccleston.
Wow Dalley. Your pic is excellent and it looks like you got a wonderful paint job!:
Though keep the chin off the bowtie or your Doctor will be getting a bloody chin soon.
I have to confess, I thought Chris' revival of the Doctor to be one of the very best interpretations ever, and if BCS can convince him to allow his likeness to be used on this scale of that would be a day one purchase for me, guaranteed. The chemistry he had with Billie and John was electric.
It's just a shame we only had him for one year. When news of his leaving came, who ever thought that the BBC would be able to strike gold twice on the trot, in that regard, with David's regeneration? I sure didn't.
Happily, I was proved wrong and DT's Doctor is, for the most part, A "Brilliant!" addition to the canon, considering some of the seriously shoddy scripts he had to work with (ie more-or-less anything written directly by RTD in his later years).
BCS's Matt was excellent, David looks better still, so Chris should be even better yet. Which I think is about right...improving as they go.
Glad we're all talking about Eccleston, I think a figure would do okay - I could see it doing 750, and then they could sell the outfit alone as an accessory pack for those who want a regeneration version. Another option could be to do a double pack - eccles and regeneration Tennant - recalling the old Argos exclusive double pack which were the very first CO figures to come out carded (remember how we used to swap the heads to get a properly articulated Eccles!!!).
The thing the 9th Doctor has that makes him one of my favorite is his serious moments. David Tennant never was that good at being overly serious. Matt Smith's good at it, but not just as good.
Chris had the ability to make you feel that he really hated the Daleks and was scared of them, while David was more like "Oooh, Daleks, awesomesauce". Not dissing on 10, but 9's better.
It's sad he thinks so poorly about Doctor Who and returning. It's one of the biggest things in British culture and granted, they thought it wouldn't catch on anymore, but just the name of "Doctor Who" tells you you're working on something that's very big and important. It's not like you can go and replace the actor for the 9th Doctor. The 11 actors are like saints. Skip one and the product's broken.