In reviewing the thread it looks like it took about 3 months to sell out of the 200 pieces of the 11 Sig. I can't find an exact date that it sold out, but it went up on 11/17, and still wasn't sold out by Feb, as there was debate about what the lack of sell out did or didn't mean for the line.
At $200+, we're not looking at a sellout in minutes. I suggest a chill pill is in order for those worried.
I'm not freaking out or anything, and you might be right. There are a few things that have changed since 11, though. I know people often assume just because they knew about something that the whole world does, but there are still people just finding out about the 5'' line of Who figures from Character Options.
A lot is different than when Smith was announced and pre-orders were taken:
1) A lot of non-UK fans waited for the 11 figure—myself included—to arrive in the US. So ordering either edition straight from BCS wasn't even a thought in our heads.
2.) There was no off-the-production line sample for people to see so not everyone was keen to pre-order something that might not turn out well. There's a difference now, as plenty of people have seen the results and can judge whether they are happy or not. From what I've seen, the vast majority of people were pleased.
3.) Having a physical figure in shops and advertised on the net helps sell people on a figure a lot. The fact is, more people know about these figures now than before.
Now, there are plenty of people who still have 11 in stock. But they also made about double the amount of 10 they are going to make initially. I don't think people should freak out, but I wouldn't exactly dawdle either.
Actually, I take that back. I think all of you should just dawdle. Wait a day or two. Heck, wait a week to order. I don't want to have to deal with a bogged down site.