New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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By polish i meant sealant,i applied around 4 times.He's good now but i'll probably apply a bit more a 5th time.
I try never to touch the face of any figure I own; if I must
turn it's head, I do it by gently grasping the back of the head.

I wish I could afford to buy display cases for them all; I fear
that occasionally dusting them, even with a feather duster
can cause damage with the passage of time.
You gotta realize, everything gets damaged over time. No way around it, careful as you may be, unless you keep it boxed and 100% controlled expertly, like in a garage with temperature and air moisture control, it's gonna degrade over a few years.
You gotta realize, everything gets damaged over time. No way around it, careful as you may be, unless you keep it boxed and 100% controlled expertly, like in a garage with temperature and air moisture control, it's gonna degrade over a few years.

That's a sobering thought; at least my 1:6 Christopher Reeve as Superman, 1:6 Doctor 11 , and 1:6 Commander Data figures are protected somewhat, as they're in a plexiglass display case.
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Okay, just had to share this because it's so amazing. I definitely think the drama special is going to make people more interested in a Hartnell figure than they usually would be...

I got chills when I saw that picture... It almost makes me wish they would forget Matt Smith for the time being and bring us some new 1st Doc stories with Ian, Barbara and Susan. :lol
It really does look as if someone sneaked back to the 60s, snapped a colour photo of who and came back. I have high hopes for this.
Can anyone please tell me at what point during the podcast that Amy is discussed?
You gotta realize, everything gets damaged over time. No way around it, careful as you may be, unless you keep it boxed and 100% controlled expertly, like in a garage with temperature and air moisture control, it's gonna degrade over a few years.

Yeah, but actual paint rubbing off underneath your fingers is a little more than just simple aging that comes with time.

Hope that was just a fluke. Scary...
I know that its slightly off topic but I see that at least Bif Bang Pow are producing a retro 8 inch figure in July in keeping with the 50th Anniversary. Big Chief have been surprisingly silent since the 10 pre-order which is concerning (almost suspicious), given the fact that announcements concerning Amy and Tom release dates were published on their site and facebook yet no word. Also, we've been in the wait for at least like what, a year and a half concerning expansion packs for 11? Again, no word. Very, very disappointing BCS. Now that you have all our money and hence production commenced, it doesnt excuse support/customer service/marketing from keeping us up to date especially in cases like Amy where, Paypal claim times have run out for some purchasers. As paying customers, we deserve to be kept in the loop concerning matters that involve OUR money. Not to mention legitimate expectation and detrimental reliance from a legal point of view. If not, then shame on the BBC for giving such heavy and lucrative licences to start up companies that seem to be experiencing more problems than a hypochondriac and quality is no where near sideshow or HT quality which one would expect on "limited edition", "signature edition" and "50th Anniversary edition" figures. Hate to be harsh, but someone needed to say it. My opinion is just that my own, and I suspect that many of you will disagree but BCS simply isnt cutting it. Especially when you have over 50 years of history of one of your licences hanging in jeopardy;
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I wouldn't worry until stuff starts airing, to be honest, as that way they can build up more hype. The hype really rises when we get more new Who stuffs. We're only 1/6th in the year.. yeah, time flies..
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I know that its slightly off topic but I see that at least Bif Bang Pow are producing a retro 8 inch figure in July in keeping with the 50th Anniversary. Big Chief have been surprisingly silent since the 10 pre-order which is concerning (almost suspicious), given the fact that announcements concerning Amy and Tom release dates were published on their site and facebook yet no word. Also, we've been in the wait for at least like what, a year and a half concerning expansion packs for 11? Again, no word. Very, very disappointing BCS. Now that you have all our money and hence production commenced, it doesnt excuse support/customer service/marketing from keeping us up to date especially in cases like Amy where, Paypal claim times have run out for some purchasers. As paying customers, we deserve to be kept in the loop concerning matters that involve OUR money. Not to mention legitimate expectation and detrimental reliance from a legal point of view. If not, then shame on the BBC for giving such heavy and lucrative licences to start up companies that seem to be experiencing more problems than a hypochondriac and quality is no where near sideshow or HT quality which one would expect on "limited edition", "signature edition" and "50th Anniversary edition" figures. Hate to be harsh, but someone needed to say it. My opinion is just that my own, and I suspect that many of you will disagree but BCS simply isnt cutting it. Especially when you have over 50 years of history of one of your licences hanging in jeopardy;

Did you listen to the pod-cast? It seems not, or you are just plain ignoring it.

I am a huge fan of BCS but that does not mean that I agree with how they have handled all decisions and that I have not criticised them, both here and directly on FB (constructively, of course).

You have your opinion, some will share it, you are allowed of course and I am happy to read it...but I am just as free to not agree with it. I think that you are flat out wrong. I suspect that I would not be alone either

Mark has said, in the pod cast and by posting directly here on these very BCS threads that even he does not know how a company like HT does what they do. He's been very open about it. He's gone to great lengths to answer the question of pricing so, don't you feel that you are :horse somewhat?

As to quality, again a subject that Mark has covered, even he admits that they are not upto HT standards yet. But I am sure we can all see that with time, they will be. And in my opinion, they have come in at easily equal to and probably just above Sideshow's figures. And this from a man with SSC's Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi figure on PO.

As for your 'veil of silence' over what other companies are doing....Did you re-watch JFK 10 times last night or something? Firstly, why would BCS feel the need to comment out loud on anything that another company is doing? Would they be aware of it? I'd lay good money that they definitely are. But knowing, and blabbing are two different things. As for BBP's figures...

The proposed range of Bif Bang Pow 'MEGO' style larger Dr.WHO figures

...well, they are OK for what they are and if you like them then fair play to you, I know that the MEGO sized figures do very well and I admit they hark back to my childhood days very fondly. But you are putting those up as a serious threat to BCS..? They are not even a threat to the Character Options figures of a few years ago! :slap

I might take your opinion more seriously if it was not balanced on so many inconsequentialities, intangibles and just plainly ignored information.
Did you listen to the pod-cast? It seems not, or you are just plain ignoring it.

I am a huge fan of BCS but that does not mean that I agree with how they have handled all decisions and that I have not criticised them, both here and directly on FB (constructively, of course).

You have your opinion, some will share it, you are allowed of course and I am happy to read it...but I am just as free to not agree with it. I think that you are flat out wrong. I suspect that I would not be alone either

Mark has said, in the pod cast and by posting directly here on these very BCS threads that even he does not know how a company like HT does what they do. He's been very open about it. He's gone to great lengths to answer the question of pricing so, don't you feel that you are :horse somewhat?

As to quality, again a subject that Mark has covered, even he admits that they are not upto HT standards yet. But I am sure we can all see that with time, they will be. And in my opinion, they have come in at easily equal to and probably just above Sideshow's figures. And this from a man with SSC's Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi figure on PO.

As for your 'veil of silence' over what other companies are doing....Did you re-watch JFK 10 times last night or something? Firstly, why would BCS feel the need to comment out loud on anything that another company is doing? Would they be aware of it? I'd lay good money that they definitely are. But knowing, and blabbing are two different things. As for BBP's figures...

The proposed range of Bif Bang Pow 'MEGO' style larger Dr.WHO figures

...well, they are OK for what they are and if you like them then fair play to you, I know that the MEGO sized figures do very well and I admit they hark back to my childhood days very fondly. But you are putting those up as a serious threat to BCS..? They are not even a threat to the Character Options figures of a few years ago! :slap

I might take your opinion more seriously if it was not balanced on so many inconsequentialities, intangibles and just plainly ignored information.

I do respect your right to an opinion. This is simply mine. That is all so no love lost.

In response, I've bolded the applicable parts of your response. My only comment is, that these are arguments in themselves and do not work FOR you. No need for me to spell it out. Enough on that front.

Like I said, this is the heaviest, most lucrative British franchise of all time and the longest running series according to the Guniness Book of World Records on its 50th anniversary.

WRT quality, enough said. However I must condescend to express my disagreement with your statement that their standard is even close to sideshow. If you put a 11th doctor's hand next to even a dc direct 1 6 figure, an objective mind would think that the BCS version was a cheap chinese knockoff. As you know, the average cost of a dc direct figure is about $50 (which I am basing on the dark knight joker).

Further, Have you ever seen the amount of complaints made to BCS on their fb page re the state of the eleventh doctor figure received? (dyed faces, broken parts (personal experience), missing parts etc.).

Again, for a licence of this nature, the fact remains that it should have gone to a bigger better company who have been doing this for a while and dont have to experiment on their customers to "iron out kinks" and "gain experience". This is the first time in history that I have heard a company say that a figure had to be re-tooled after being cleared and placed on the PO market and cleared for production.

As for the "veil of silence bit", I have no idea what you're taking about. If you can refer me to what I said in my post that gave you that idea then I'd be glad to clarify. I did mention that BCS is not updating us wrt to certain items including Amy in which the Paypal limitation period for claims has expired for some persons.

You may want to re-read the post again, I never ever compared the BBP figures to BCS ones as they are obviously two different genres. I just stated that even BBP had the sense to unveil a proto of a hartnell figure in Feb for the 50th anniverary as new first doctor merch was the topic at hand at the time.

Those are my humble two cents, again just my opinion and I respect yours though we differ on the topic. But at the end of the day we are both just die hard Whovians who want the best for the franchise. Thanks for your time my friend :1-1:
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Two really well argued, thoughtful posts by dissenting individuals, each of which contains stuff that I can both agree and disagree with. What a great day for this thread!
It should be said the Bif Bang Pow figures aren't just for the 50th. They have been going on for a while now. The initial figures came out quite a while ago, and they were supposed to have new figures in March of last year but ran into factory issues and have been delayed for more than a year. I really enjoy the line and can't wait for more, but man oh man are they a whole different kettle of fish compared to BCS. :)
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