New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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Posted by BCS on FB.

Hi to you all,
We have received our final sample of Amy Pond and will be taking some photos to show you over this weekend.
We will be travelling out to China early April to oversee the final stages of the pack-out and shipping is estimated from mid-April from China.
We try to keep you as updated as possible, but there are only many times that we can post "coming soon" without annoying our customers. We are here working hard we can assure you.
Stay tuned guys...
Thanks for your continued patience BCS
Posted by BCS on FB.

Hi to you all,
We have received our final sample of Amy Pond and will be taking some photos to show you over this weekend.
We will be travelling out to China early April to oversee the final stages of the pack-out and shipping is estimated from mid-April from China.
We try to keep you as updated as possible, but there are only many times that we can post "coming soon" without annoying our customers. We are here working hard we can assure you.
Stay tuned guys...
Thanks for your continued patience BCS
Mid April??? Geez! So that will turn into June and we won't get her until August...Out Freaking Standing!!!

Oh by the way, they said months ago that they have seen the final prototype of Amy.
I liked River Song until the point it made Amy not The Girl Who Waited but the Doctor's Mother-In-Law Who Waited.

And didn't they see the final piece already? It's getting a tad ridiculous.
I liked River Song until the point it made Amy not The Girl Who Waited but the Doctor's Mother-In-Law Who Waited.

And didn't they see the final piece already? It's getting a tad ridiculous.

Yeah Xeno, they said months ago they saw it and were pleased with it.
Wasn't it the final prototype of the body they saw way back? Then there is the head and clothes to sort. So, I am assuming that this is the final, complete prototype, all kitted out.

They did say she would be out after the Chinese New Year holidays. Just not how long after...
Wasn't it the final prototype of the body they saw way back? Then there is the head and clothes to sort. So, I am assuming that this is the final, complete prototype, all kitted out.

They did say she would be out after the Chinese New Year holidays. Just not how long after...
They actually said they would try to get her to ship prior to the holiday but if that wasn't possible they would aim for just after everyone returned. So the middle of April will be like what? 6 weeks after the holiday ended? I'll go as far as to say that mid April is mighty optimistic considering BCS's track record. I was actually hoping they would surprise us with a Facebook post saying that she was on the boat and in transit. Silly me for thinking that would ever have a chance of happening.
I thought they saw the body prototype last year or something?

Whatever it is, it's taking too long and they probably spent our deposits on beer and prostitutes. :lol

Just kidding. Well, about the deposit part. It genuinely is taking too long.
I don't think prototype and sample are the same thing. But whatever. Its time they just cut bait here and release it regardless.
I thought they saw the body prototype last year or something?

Whatever it is, it's taking too long and they probably spent our deposits on beer and prostitutes. :lol

Just kidding. Well, about the deposit part. It genuinely is taking too long.

It is getting very confusing as to what they have and have not already seen....

From their own site Nov 26th 2012....

From their Facebook Page January 18th 2013....

Big Chief Studios Limited
18 January
A quick update for customers awaiting our Amy Pond figure... we received the new female body sample last week and have been making some minor tweaks and changes to improve it. Our vendors are pushing to complete Amy before Chinese New Year. We hope that they will be able to do so and will notify you all soon.
Thanks BCS

Now today....

Big Chief Studios Limited
6 hours ago
Hi to you all,
We have received our final sample of Amy Pond and will be taking some photos to show you over this weekend.
We will be travelling out to China early April to oversee the final stages of the pack-out and shipping is estimated from mid-April from China.
We try to keep you as updated as possible, but there are only many times that we can post "coming soon" without annoying our customers. We are here working hard we can assure you.
Stay tuned guys...
Thanks for your continued patience BCS
What's confusing here? They received a production sample that they made some changes to and sent it back to the factory and now they have received a new production sample based on those changes. A lot of bellyaching and conspiracy theories in here over a lot of nothing.
SS isn't interested in them and owning rights to produce 1:6 figures is a completely different species than distributing a product researched and produced by a totally different company.
Whatever it is, it's taking too long and they probably spent our deposits on beer and prostitutes. :lol

And wasted the rest ;)

What's confusing here? They received a production sample that they made some changes to and sent it back to the factory and now they have received a new production sample based on those changes. A lot of bellyaching and conspiracy theories in here over a lot of nothing.

:exactly: That's the way I read it too.

I'm sure the more one complains and *****es about a release date the further away and the longer the wait seems which feeds the bellyaching more which makes the release saga seem to stretch out even more which sets teeth grinding afresh... etc.

I mean, Heaven forefend that a company should want to be as happy as they can with a figure before they release it! And at least they occasionally let us know what's happening (in person too as I've seen them at Toy/Memorabilia shows at the Birmingham (UK) NEC). The wait for Amy? Frustrating yes, but par for the course in 1:6 land; 5 years for Blacula, no idea when some of HT's figures will ever show (or even if), how long have we been waiting for Sideshow's Baroness? Doubt we'll ever see a complete ABC Warriors line-up from 3A etc.

A tip of the hat too to the BCS bods for bothering to head out to China to oversea the final packing out of the product - I can think of several established companies who might have avoided some foul-ups if they'd bothered to do the same.

I get annoyed and frustrated at the delays too... but heck, it's only a toy (albeit a toy Karen Gillan) so I try to keep my grumpiness 1:6 scaled.
The license should have gone to a bigger company. One figure a year for the rabid Doctor Who fans doesn't quite cut it.
The difference is I never paid a deposit for other items. They have part of my money and I'd like to see more actual updates. We've seen the improved headsculpt, why not the body? Most toy companies show a few stages of the prototypes before release.
Excellent point Xeno, they have had peoples deposits for a year. That alone should keep people more in the loop and releasing products in a timely matter.
Excellent point Xeno, they have had peoples deposits for a year. That alone should keep people more in the loop and releasing products in a timely matter.

Cry me a river. :violin

Tell me one company that keeps people "in the loop" or interacts with their customer base with more consistency than BC.
Cry me a river. :violin

Tell me one company that keeps people "in the loop" or interacts with their customer base with more consistency than BC.
Ummm how about NECA Toys, hmmm? Oh and how exactly does BCS interact with their customers? Is it by not answering posts on Facebook? Is it by ignoring some e-mails? Is it by providing once in a blue moon updates? No, I really don't think so.
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