Re: New Doctor Who 1:6 and 1:4 announcement!
The thing that baffles my mind on so many levels is why people can't like Doctor Who. We can apparantly only like Classic Who or NuWho. I'm one who likes every Doctor equally and I feel like the frigging freak misfit of the bunch.
That's something I've never got either. Personally I think there is just a small but very vocal segment of fandom that just likes to brand itself as somehow being a higher or better or more 'elite' class of fan, and those types of fans, in the case of Who, seem to choose an era, and then see everything else as 'the enemy' and go on constant aggressive attack against said enemy, and against the 'lesser' (in their warped view) fans who are fans of those other eras or incarnations, or who may just enjoy it all, generally speaking. These kinds of fans don't seem to understand that you can like and support something without having to constantly justify it by attacking or hating on something else. And whether it be Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek, Comics, videogames, or whatever else, we all know fans like that. And they generally aren't much fun to be around.
Now there is nothing wrong with liking one thing more than another, or sharing honest opinions, whether they be positive, negative, or somewhere in between, but when you treat other fans and their own opinions without any respect, it pretty much invalidates anything you may have to say yourself, and just makes you look like a bit of a d!ck really.
Vibrant discussion and debate is one of the true joys of fandom, but ******* and elitist behavour is fandom at its worst, and nothing sucks the fun and enjoyment out of the former more than over-the-top dashes of the latter.
We're all fans, we should all be able to at least respect each other on that core basic level. Anyway end of rant.