Thats weird. Most of us here on SSF are looking forward to the TARDIS but in a lot of the other boards I frequent they are more excited about the dalek. :confused
Oh Christ! The curse of Tonner strikes again! Lovely costumes but utterly crap likenesses.
McCoy is my favorite Doctor, so I wish I could say I was more excited by these. The sculpts are off, though. The jacket should be shorter, and much bulkier around the bottom. The head sculpt doesn't really work for me, either. Hopefully the hair works like the Tom Baker figure so I can whip up a hatted serious head.
Wasn't the rumor the 11 Docs boxed set had a hatless and grim, brown coat?
Oh Christ! The curse of Tonner strikes again! Lovely costumes but utterly crap likenesses.
Oh Christ! The curse of Tonner strikes again! Lovely costumes but utterly crap likenesses.
The McCoy in the box set is meant to be the attire from "Ghost Light" so I presume it won't have a hat ( never seen the story so I don't know ).
Ghost Light is my very favorite Doctor Who story ever.
Robots of Death is number two, and Blink is number three.
Graet pic Brendan.