gota love 1/4 scale
got to get dookus for sure, always loved that hilt, i need to try and track down a vader fx
Why would they up it now?
Anyone seen the Asajj Ventress Force FX? It's HIDEOUS...they've Clone Wars'd it up so it's all blocky and square...it fits together, but it's not sleek and sexy like they used to be...
I'll post a pic when I find one...
Never knew there was a Ventress FX saber.
As for the squaring, that's the new 3D series design. I'm sure that series having more detail and a bit more realistic look to it was cause to use it as the reference rather than the original series.
It was probably someone on the new series who just had the idea and LFL just didn't object.
I still don't know why the ROTS Anakin and Obi-Wan sabers weren't exactly replicas of the ANH Luke and Old Ben designs, but they weren't.
Found a pic, it's a bit dark...