Super Freak
Would anyone buy one of the Aquatic Aliens from Resurrection. They had a big fin-like tail, right?
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Would anyone buy one of the Aquatic Aliens from Resurrection. Thye had a big fin-like tail, right?
How do you know it's DEF? Or was it the voice in your head that told you that?They're DEF gonna do more Aliens figs...![]()
No, I dont think they did. They just simply meant they now have ALIEN, ALIEN 3 and A:R. Remember, their English not so great.Didn't they also recently say that they acquired the license for all of the Alien films including Aliens which they already had used at the time.
I would buy nothing that reminded me of A:R...except maybe a voodoo doll of Joss Weadon and Jean Pierre Jeanut. WTF were Fox thinking in hiring a director who couldn't even speak ^^^^ing English???!!! After Alien 3 was so well photographed I believe Fox just got overly-excited about the 4th film looking great too and as a result left the writing and story-direction to the sidelines.Would anyone buy one of the Aquatic Aliens from Resurrection. They had a big fin-like tail, right?
They'd never do a Newt and probably not a Bishop either.Expect Hot Toys to do the Queen Alien, Bishop and Newt...![]()
Just bring me a Ripley in a Narcissus white space suit and a Giger Alien then I'll be happy.
I want a good Ripley sculpt. She's kind of the center of the first four movies, yet the offerings we've gotten have well..kind of sucked. A Ripley from Alien 1 and Alien 3 would be cool. I'm not the biggest Ripley fan mind you: I like her but felt her presence (especially in AR), kept the series from evolving. Either way though, we need a good Ripley figure. My personal vote right now would be for Alien 3, but that's because I just got the Dog Alien and want a Ripley to go with it.
No, I dont think they did. They just simply meant they now have ALIEN, ALIEN 3 and A:R. Remember, their English not so great.QUOTE]
Here's the original post from the Hot Toys website:
Hot Toys granted all ALIEN movie licenses to bring you more collectibles
Why are we so keen on making ALIEN collectibles? Because we know you love the movies and crazy about Alien stuffs. Today, we're extremely excited to announce that Hot Toys has been granted ALL licenses of Alien movie (ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN3 and ALIEN RESURRECTION), and planning to bring you more and more collectibles from this classical movie of horror. The first one from our new line will be the two Nostromo Crew Members from ALIEN I. Check out their news by reading the next topic. Don't forget to come back to for most updated news!
It's from February 2008, so things may have changed, but it seemed that Hot Toys had planned to continue to make more items from all of the four films. This at least leaves open the possibility for an improved, less breakable Aliens creature, Alien from the first film, and possibly the Queen.
Honestly though, none of us really know what they are going to do in the future. Hot Toys has surprised me again and again with some of the crazy, huge items they have created like the Tumbler and ED-209 as well as questionable ones like The Spirit figures.
I think its easy to read too much in to that. They said they have "ALL" licenses cos they are simply bragging that they now have ALL and reminding us they already have part of the franchise's license. They mentioned Aliens in that sentence for completion's sake.Hot Toys has been granted ALL licenses of Alien movie (ALIEN, ALIENS, ALIEN3 and ALIEN RESURRECTION)
I'd really like to display Lambert with Dallas and Kane, and display Ripley in spacesuit with the big chap!
I think its easy to read too much in to that. They said they have "ALL" licenses cos they are simply bragging that they now have ALL and reminding us they already have part of the franchise's license. They mentioned Aliens in that sentence for completion's sake.
Its funny how whenerer we get these newsletters that we always find ourselves analysing what they said word for word to try and guess what they mean.
agreed. those things are awesome. wonder why they never made any for avpr...What I'd LOVE for them to do is more Alien/Aliens/Alien3/A:R/AvP/AvP:R/Predator/Predator 2 Snap Kits.