Well with to much stuff coming, I had to pass on this anyways...But his face looks like he is trying to cut a fart...I just dont like the head sculpt...I probably will kick myself when I see this in person at SDCC...
I think it looks great to me but I am really watting for the mark 3 maquette to pose right beside the masterpiece that is the 1:1 SCALE bust of IRON MAN.
Trevor Grove did the resculpt for the head and looks much better than original. I pulled this off his Deviant Art page. It gives you some different angles of Robert's face on the final product. I think it looks spot on, especially from the side. What do you think?
As this is an older thread and the pics on the forst page are missing anyway, I will close it and we can continue to use the above for all things Sideshow Iron Man Maquette