The SS hands fit well eh?
Nah, you can just switch the heads. I would suggest getting a new, medicom body (regular size) as it's more stable.Awesome!!! thanks man!! that jangos head straight to bobas body, or were there mods that had to be done?.....ide like to believe that you can just take jangos head and put it on boba without no mods, sadly thats more than likely what i'll have to do...i hope not though. lol
The SSC blaster pistol holster is nice, but is missing the 'lip' toward the front. You'll be fine with it , but the Marmit holster is the correct shape.I absolutely have no idea how to post pictures on threads. lol
Getting the SSC Fett so i can give his blaster pistol holster, cape, shin tools, and EE-3 blaster rifle. hopefully they are compatible.
I was never a huge fan of the medicom fett but after seeing pics of what people do with the SSC parts to improve slight flaws on the medicom version I may have to look into picking one up.
I recently purchased a ESB medi for 70$. Unboxed it yesterday, and man! the figures body was completely in shambles. fortunately, i have prior experience in repairing medicom bodies to an extant, so that wasn't really a problem. hope i can get a new body soon.
The shoulder on my ESB Medi Fett just crumbled a few weeks ago & I'm now in the process of replacing it with a Slim TT. However, these guys have the RAH Massive 2 bodies for $29:
It's listed under "Male Nude Figures - Miscellaneous Manufacturers." While it requires drilling the holes in the forearms to accommodate the old, larger wrist pegs, all the pictures I've seen of folks who've used it on their Medi Fetts end up with better scaled & better looking figures than before.