Super Freak
I can't decide if I should post something on this thread![]()
Perhaps I should post if I want to, and don't post if I don't want to?![]()
I like your sense of humour

I can't decide if I should post something on this thread![]()
Perhaps I should post if I want to, and don't post if I don't want to?![]()
Ladies and Gentlemen.. We appear to have a troll in our midst.![]()
if u don't like what other people post then don't read
warning don't post and there no need to read
warning don't post if u don't like sideshow products period![]()
are u getting this statue ?
But that's my point though. The more you pay a factory, the better they will make your product.
Prime 1 haven't proven a thing. Wait until that Dog Alien actually ships before you judge the quality on the production piece. Even then, Prime 1 have their own factories. They haven't produced anything from Predator yet to compare, and I've seen Prime 1 statues in person. Yes, some look fantastic, but not all their production pieces are without issues.
This isn't a post defending Sideshow by the way. I've never cared who makes the product I buy. My comment was merely in response to the assumption that 10 years passed = must be better made collectibles due to changes in tech and materials, which I don't think is the case as inflation has also occurred in this time.
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I wasn't talking about production pieces. It just so happens that Prime 1 have exceptional quality in that department also which is a nice bonus. But the Prime 1/CP Dog alien is unbelievably spectacular. I can't really think of many things they could do to improve it? I never expect perfection, but that is as close as we're probably likely to see for that character. Now compare that to this P1 which is another case of close, but no cigar which we've sadly become accustomed to now. It's nice enough, I'd buy one if it were much cheaper as it looks like a P1. But there's so many little things off about it that all add up, and then some very obvious mistakes also such as his armour being in the wrong place. I mean would people buy a batman PF if it's ears were in the wrong place? I get that you like this, and I would never try to diminish your excitement, we all have different expectations. But when the competition are making near perfect representations of similar characters (with the P1 coming down the line, here's to hoping it's as good as the dog!) Sideshow should probably be doing better is all. They have the resources if they really wanted to and let's not forget that this thing costs a fortune in reality, it's hardly a cheap, fun little statue. Who knows, maybe Prime 1 entering the game will kick SSC into gear and they'll give us the ultimate P1 in LSF form that blows us all away... Stranger things have happened and I sincerely hope they can. It's never too late to try to improve and Sideshow can certainly make superb statues!
And it's no assumption that statues have become much better in general over the last decade, you only need compare a few. My point was simply that a 1/4 P1 made 10 years+ after the old 1/4 P1 should be a bit more refined at least. but it's arguably a downgrade sadly.
OK fair enough mate, I may have misunderstood and thought you were referring to quality. I just see a lot of praise for Prime 1 in these parts assuming they are going to make the ultimate Preds and Aliens, and while they may do so, I just think they promise a lot but so far haven't delivered anything yet, so it's premature to assume they are going to knock it out of the park when it comes to Predator. They do nice work for sure, but they have also released some crappy items as well (90's turtles for example, which look worse in the likeness department than NECA's efforts).
The Dog Alien does look perfect really, but if I can recall, the sculpt was from Cool Props. Did they use the actual props for this piece? To me it all comes down to the production piece and whether they can match that awesome paint job. While the Dog Alien is nice, I would prefer to compare apples with apples really. When Prime 1 do a movie Predator piece, I will judge then and see how they compare to Sideshow's efforts. So far, the only other alternative has been Cinemaquette.
While Prime 1 did inherit the original Coolprops sculpt for the Dog, they said they were keeping the pose but improving the sculpt and adding detail. If you compare pics of the Coolprops sculpt to the final Prime 1 piece you can see a huge improvement. Notice how soft the sculpt is on the Coolprops piece around the neck, jaw, and arms compared to the amount of detail in the sculpt on the final Prime 1 piece.
In regards to the Predator 1 maquette, i've seen pics up on facebook and I had a look through this thread yesterday. I'll just say that I'm personally glad I didn't end up ordering this guy. Things like the thigh armour and fused mandibles would drive me crazy and I don't see the quality matching the price tag.