Is this not a classic Spidey?
Only gonna get Spider-Man from this line. Rather spend the money on DC villains than Spidey villains.
Oh, and who said it was from a MJ sculpt?
Similar but totally different and the MJ picture is flipped...
My guess is probably next month or March for vader with either black cat or spidey to follow.
Since Spidey isn't painted yet I'd give him some time. Vader looked the most complete, so that I think you're right on.
Must buy. MUST buy.
This is a pose I didn't expect. Hopefully, the base is a gargoyle stone or something highly detailed.
I hope it's a brick wall base. Nothing more east coast than brick.
You could say the same thing about the midwest, and they already did a multitude of Spidey's with Brick wall/corner building things, but honestly it's probably hard to get away from since he's pretty much known for webslinging through a city.