Nope i sent them one extra email in between replies, every other email has been a straight reply to sideshow. I have not been rude, why would i have been rude? all I've tied to do was get a new body so the product i paid over $500 for doesn't have a damaged part its that simple. i work alongside customer service people so i know how to approach these things thanks. If it was a black mark i would have accepted their credit long ago, yet its a crack so therefore i've asked for a new body so im not making a 'mountain over a mole hill'.
You'd think however all my shots where taken with my 40mm macro lens so it doesn't get any clearer.
every area was circled clealy showing what i was taking about
This is the crack while it looks small it actually runs around the base of the finger on on the palm over the knuckle and meets on the other side (i can't get that shot due to the black lining of the suit). Its only in place because of the wires in the fingers and a small amount of polystone that hasn't cacked yet, maybe it is small but it's still a cracked finger that could potentially hurt my resale value should i come to ever have to sell it even at retail (not that i plan to) i shouldn't have to take that hit when i paid full amount for a damaged statue. As i said it may look small but who's to say if i ever pack it away or god forbid knock it that fingers coming straight off. I've accepted that the paint marks and hell even the fact the hand doesn't sit flush on the base its off centre but i can't accept the damage to the finger.