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I really wish people would stop piling on those of us who prefer an "untouched" OT. Yes, all that crap he added is different than what we saw, and most of it adds nothing. It's done just because he could and that blows. If he wanted Greedo to shoot first, he could've done that the 1st time in 1977. There's no time, special effects, budget restriction that caused him to have to have Han shoot then "fix" it later. It's just dumb. If he wanted Luke to see a spirit of his old man at the age of when he turned, he could have. Shaw under the helmet at the reveal, then cast a young man for his ghost. In 1983, any young man would've done, we would've got the point. But he didn't, for a reason. All the junk he's added, and will probably continue to add, is just hindsite tinkering and serves no purpose. The PT should've been made to fit the OT better, not the other way around.

If you have 2 muscle cars, an original body, original paint, low milage 1970 Hemi 'Cuda, or a 1970 Cuda with fiberglass work done, fatty wheels, huge exaust pipes, tinted windows, I'm the type to take the original. Same car....and some joker would take the 2nd one for sure, but I prefer the 1st one AND it's worth alot more $$$ because someone hasn't screwed with it. Maybe it's a bad analogy, who knows, but I'll take those 3 movies, original, any day of the week over all the computer junk that's coming out now. Having said all that, I like many parts of the PT, it's just nowhere near as good as the worse parts of the OT.
I really wish people would stop piling on those of us who prefer an "untouched" OT. Yes, all that crap he added is different than what we saw, and most of it adds nothing. It's done just because he could and that blows. If he wanted Greedo to shoot first, he could've done that the 1st time in 1977. There's no time, special effects, budget restriction that caused him to have to have Han shoot then "fix" it later. It's just dumb. If he wanted Luke to see a spirit of his old man at the age of when he turned, he could have. Shaw under the helmet at the reveal, then cast a young man for his ghost. In 1983, any young man would've done, we would've got the point. But he didn't, for a reason. All the junk he's added, and will probably continue to add, is just hindsite tinkering and serves no purpose. The PT should've been made to fit the OT better, not the other way around.

If you have 2 muscle cars, an original body, original paint, low milage 1970 Hemi 'Cuda, or a 1970 Cuda with fiberglass work done, fatty wheels, huge exaust pipes, tinted windows, I'm the type to take the original. Same car....and some joker would take the 2nd one for sure, but I prefer the 1st one AND it's worth alot more $$$ because someone hasn't screwed with it. Maybe it's a bad analogy, who knows, but I'll take those 3 movies, original, any day of the week over all the computer junk that's coming out now. Having said all that, I like many parts of the PT, it's just nowhere near as good as the worse parts of the OT.

I agree... if Anakin/Vader died only a few years younger than Obi-Wan, and they died around the same time, that means logically, Lucas should've replaced Sir Alec Guiness with Ewan McGregor as he was in ROTS or AOTC... or even TPM... :horror

and we all know that would be stupid, right? :D

Lucas would also have to shave off a few years from Yoda to go along with the other PT version ghosts... so he should've been CG-ified (another not so good idea IMO!)

So replacing Shaw with Christiansen is totally unnecessary and inconsistent...
I really wish people would stop piling on those of us who prefer an "untouched" OT. Yes, all that crap he added is different than what we saw, and most of it adds nothing. It's done just because he could and that blows. If he wanted Greedo to shoot first, he could've done that the 1st time in 1977. There's no time, special effects, budget restriction that caused him to have to have Han shoot then "fix" it later. It's just dumb. If he wanted Luke to see a spirit of his old man at the age of when he turned, he could have. Shaw under the helmet at the reveal, then cast a young man for his ghost. In 1983, any young man would've done, we would've got the point. But he didn't, for a reason. All the junk he's added, and will probably continue to add, is just hindsite tinkering and serves no purpose. The PT should've been made to fit the OT better, not the other way around.

If you have 2 muscle cars, an original body, original paint, low milage 1970 Hemi 'Cuda, or a 1970 Cuda with fiberglass work done, fatty wheels, huge exaust pipes, tinted windows, I'm the type to take the original. Same car....and some joker would take the 2nd one for sure, but I prefer the 1st one AND it's worth alot more $$$ because someone hasn't screwed with it. Maybe it's a bad analogy, who knows, but I'll take those 3 movies, original, any day of the week over all the computer junk that's coming out now. Having said all that, I like many parts of the PT, it's just nowhere near as good as the worse parts of the OT.

Basically, that long rant is pretty much irrelevant. Star Wars doesn't belong to you, it belongs to Lucas. If he wants to change something, have a good cry and get over it, or pony up the cash, buy the rights away from Lucas and do whatever the hell you want with it. For better or worse, we got to share a piece of his dream. He went in to change it and make it what he wanted. And that's fine, because it's his, not yours. He didn't make the SE for the fans, nor did he ever say that was his intentions. It was for himself, because you know what? It's his. I really wonder if you guys run around crying about the first girls who popped your cherries saying, "I'll never love again.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" because, seriously, that's what it sounds like. So if you want to quit getting piled on, quit whining over spilled milk. It's as simple as that. :dunno
I agree and disagree about Lucas changing his mind about Anakin's force ghost. I agree, that it makes more sense for him to be how he would have looked for his age. However, I feel that the explanation that his force ghost reverted to its form when he was a jedi makes sense as well. The bottom line is that I agree with Nam that in the end its Lucas' property and I really don't know where we fans get off getting upset about what he wants to do with it. I don't understand why people don't just ignore what they dislike.
None of the changes to the OT really change anything about the movie, the only reason people don't like them is because its different than what they originally saw.

Edit: Greedo shooting first...that was a major change and a bad one.

The entire Han and Jabba scene is utter bull____ as well; down to the repeated dialogue from the scene with Greedo. :sick
Basically, that long rant is pretty much irrelevant. Star Wars doesn't belong to you, it belongs to Lucas. If he wants to change something, have a good cry and get over it, or pony up the cash, buy the rights away from Lucas and do whatever the hell you want with it. For better or worse, we got to share a piece of his dream. He went in to change it and make it what he wanted. And that's fine, because it's his, not yours. He didn't make the SE for the fans, nor did he ever say that was his intentions. It was for himself, because you know what? It's his. I really wonder if you guys run around crying about the first girls who popped your cherries saying, "I'll never love again.... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" because, seriously, that's what it sounds like. So if you want to quit getting piled on, quit whining over spilled milk. It's as simple as that. :dunno

Can't say as I've ever shed 1 tear over the changes, and I don't recall saying he couldn't do whatever the hell he wanted. I'm explaining why I think it was dumb and stating my opinion, as people on forums are prone to do. So as I see it, your reply is irrelevent to my post. Hell, he can have Michael Bay direct a rehash and it can star Nicholas Cage for all I care. I'll still think it's dumb, I'll still say the OT is better, and I'm pretty sure the sun will still come up. Oh, and I won't cry over that either!
Can't say as I've ever shed 1 tear over the changes, and I don't recall saying he couldn't do whatever the hell he wanted. I'm explaining why I think it was dumb and stating my opinion, as people on forums are prone to do. So as I see it, your reply is irrelevent to my post. Hell, he can have Michael Bay direct a rehash and it can star Nicholas Cage for all I care. I'll still think it's dumb, I'll still say the OT is better, and I'm pretty sure the sun will still come up. Oh, and I won't cry over that either!

Maybe cry was the wrong word... so we'll go with whine. ;) But my point still stands. You don't want to get piled on about being an OT elitist, don't whine about the changes. :lol
The entire Han and Jabba scene is utter bull____ as well; down to the repeated dialogue from the scene with Greedo. :sick

What don't you like about that scene. To me that was one of the smaller changes since it was supposed to be in the movie originally.
What don't you like about that scene. To me that was one of the smaller changes since it was supposed to be in the movie originally.

Because all the scene did was determine future CG for the sum of a character; it's poodoo.
Much better to be an OT elitist, than a PT Apologist.

For the record i don't mind any of the SE changes except for Han and Greedo, and the ROTJ Jabba music.
I wasn't claiming elitism and bias to the OT. What you DIDN'T see me post (because I was talking about ONE film and not all 3 Special Editions) is that I actually really liked the additions to The Empire Strikes Back. I thought the windows in Cloud City were good, the enhancements to the Falcon arrival, the extra Wampa stuff. Tasteful additions that didn't change the music or integrity of the film. They were nice enhancements.

I DO think changing the Jabba music did dramatically alter the film (in Jedi). It wasn't enhancing anything. I don't know who hated Lapti Nek sooo much that it needed to be changed.

A New Hope... wasn't bad. Extra creatures in shots that weren't necessary and the removal of the wolf looking creature was kind of a bummer. The space battle sequences, the Falcon exhaust and take off/landing shots were great and really liked those enhancements. They didn't change the music dramatically and things stayed pretty much in tone. The arrival to Mos Eisley I wasn't nuts about, but I didn't HATE it. ANH and ESB to me are acceptable and can live with that. The Greedo thing I'll agree with. Jabba wasn't on my "too crazy about" list either. I actually liked that (well before the prequels came out) that we never hot to see who this feared gangster was until ROTJ in all its glory in the palace on Tatooine.

Being that "Jedi" holds the closest place to my heart, I didn't like that they REMOVED Lapti Nek and REMOVED Shaw as Anakin in the end. I liked the group of Banthas trotting through the sands of Tatooine and the new shot of Jabba's barge. Cool additions. Didn't take away from anything. It was a nice addition! The Ewok celebration at the end is debatable. While I never had a problem with the old celebration song, I thought the newer song was okay. Would prefer the old one, but I can live with that because it actually sounded sytlized with the score (the version in the film sans the children nah nahhing version on the CD score). The celebrations happening in Tatooine, Coruscant and Bespin helped tie together everything like how the prequels had visited previously. Not crazy about it, but it wasn't bad.

So please don't go and claim I am an OT elitist. There definitely are some great enhancements I can embrace and accept of the films. It was only Return of the Jedi in particular I had some real problems with.
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Thanks for elaborating your likes and dislikes with the SE OT. I always enjoy reading people's reasons for liking or disliking something. I really like your point about Jabba not being revealed until Jedi.
It was a bunch earlier before the big arguing broke out, ha! Not at you, Oscorp! :)
Thought so, Jus checkin.


And Lapti Nek FTW!

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Because all the scene did was determine future CG for the sum of a character; it's poodoo.

Well said.

And Greedogate....geezus. It's even more embarrassing that he went back and changed it to a simultaneous exchange. That's the closest GL will ever come to admitting failure, I guess.

In ROTJ SE didn't they remove the Ewok song and the Stormtrooper drumsets? (been ages since I've watched it).