Adam, that was priceless! And Allison, thanks for your time and patience with us.
You know we love the stuff you guys put out, and every single point made in both your posts is valid, and then some. I just came off two and a half months of translating books and writing reviews under insane schedules, and there's no need to explain how much dedication it takes to do the job not only quickly, but PROPERLY, too. And as my reward is getting to meet the authors face to face, I really do my damndest to be able to look them in the eye. (That goes for both the novelists and the filmmakers, actually.)
I've long suspected that Sideshow are stretching themselves too thin with all the new license announcements, btw. Someone is going to have to sculpt all that, while the existing properties languish! So I hope for two things -- first, that more Trevors Grove and Andys Bergholz pop up in America, despite all the odds, and second, that Sideshow put a lid on new license announcements for this year. Okay, they have Indy and Marvel, that should tide them over, right? Perhaps two of the new ones are the Iron Man and new Hulk movie licenses, and this could dovetail nicely with the stuff they're already doing.
And may they never again put an Adam Hughes project on the back burner just because someone mis-sculpted the Gandalf the White PF's head! As a matter of fact, with that one as a reference, I can't imagine the stuff that
didn't pass the licensor's approval.
Aragorn does rock, though. Even if it was at the expense of an AH! comiquette.
Here's to more of your incomparable work, Adam. And hug those puppies for me, you two.