I do wonder how they'll pull She-Hulk off. We could also get a Hulk figure from the show too. I don't think an Abomination is likely, but he's in it.
You actually have more chances of seeing Nova now than before. Gunn hated Richard, and the internet Dick Rider Defense Squad didn't do him any favours. With him leaving after GotG 3 and abandoning the Cosmic side, and it getting more attention with the FF and the such, I think we'll see some version of Nova show up. Now, if that's Rich or Sam is unknown. Depends on what demographic they'll try to reach, and how they'll treat the character.
There's still a LOT of fuel left in the Cosmic tank. Annihilation is something I can see them really building up to. Properly done, it'd blow IW/EG out of the water in sheer scope. I'm just sad we probably won't ever get something like this:
But Pratt could stay on like Hemsworth did, so who knows? With Mar-Vell being a woman in the MCU and most importantly being pretty much a blip, I don't know if we'll get to see Genis or Phylla in the MCU in any capacity. And that'll be a shame. I guess we're bound to get Galactus, Norrin and so forth, but characters like Terrax are longshots. Still, who knows, right? These flicks are getting crazier.
Toys have started leaking from Thor 4, so I think the two Thors are a given. Maybe Gorr. I'd kill for a Crowe Zeus, but I don't think he's got any chances of being made. I still don't know why they're literall killing off the entire Greek Pantheon to set up Gorr, when they could do the same with an alien Pantheon, like in the comics, as Gorr is a Cosmic type. But the Greek Gods get reborn as they're Immortal, in contrast to the Asgardians who are dependent on the Golden Apples, so maybe they'll bring them back. Still, a Crowe Zeus would be a blast of a figure.
To bring it back to Namor because I've been thinking about it lately, this is the Atlantean cast thus far:
The Attuma guy looks bulky, though I haven't checked to see how tall he is. The rest... I don't know, every pic I see of them depends on the angle. The woman has nice cheeckbones and a stare, but I really don't know. I doubt they'll even paint them blue. Which to be honest I always found silly, so I'm not that mad about it. But why use Namora and go through all the incest nonsense instead of just going for Lady Dorma? Who knows, maybe leaks are wrong and she is Dorma and not Namora. Or Hell, Namorita. Who knows?
We're getting close to the supposed release of the film now, but we know literally nothing about it. 10 months away and not even knowing who the MC is concerns me. Is it Shuri? Nakia? M'Baku? Who's the antagonist? Just what is going on? Either way, I still think the guy's pudgy, too short and not regal enough, but he does exclude an arrogant air, which is needed in Namor, even though I think it's undeserved in his case. I guess it depends on where they go. I've said it before, but if they did Atlantis as a Proto-Civ with similarities to all cultures near the Med, I'd be fine with it breaking the classic GrecoRoman mold. But giving them an entire race & culture lift that's so removed from the source is baffling. What, are they going to change the names too? Why does a Mayan culture have names like Namor, Namora and Attuma? It's just too weird to me. They could've just gotten MENA people you know. I'd have been fine with an Asian Namor, maybe Korean. He is supposed to be mixed race, so I could deal with his dad being Asian instead of Scottish like in the books.
Dunno, maybe they'll give him a good costume and he'll win me over, but I'm not optimistic. I'm more open to it than the Clownish Kang I witnessed, but I'm genuinely thinking of getting an AquaMomoa to represent Namor on my shelf. But that ticks off my OCD. I'm dependent on the branding, I'm weak like that. It's why I can't get into unlicensed figures, even when they look great... The whole reason why I liked Namor better was because he was gung-ho about being King of Atlantis while Arthur was always more restrained and hesitant. I find AquaMomoa charming, but having him in place of Namor just feels wrong. He's too much of a good guy, when Namor is legitimately a huge dick. This is what I want to see in the MCU:
I love Namor, which is why I'm torn here. I want to come around, but nothing I'm seeing and hearing entices me. I'm still in that 70/30 stage, tilting negative, but I have an inkling of hope. It'll really depend a lot on the costume and attitude. Good aesthetics can go a long way. I've seen some takes on his modern look that I think would be cool:
We'll see, anyhow. It's just weird that we know literally nothing about the whole thing. Would it hurt them to at least throw out a synopsis and a confirmed cast? At the very least I want a new T'Challa/Black Panther with a cape:
If we're being more concrete about it, the way I see it, this is what we have to look forward to:
- Spider-Tobey
- Spider-Garfield
- Clint & Kate
- Moon Knight
And then it's onto Doctor Strange. February's almost over and they're still not done with the MCU characters of 2021. It doesn't bode well with how packed 2022 is, unless of course they got early material to work with and will unleash it all at once. Although with how Ock turned out, I doubt that's the case. Strange times...