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I mean, Jean and Scott are the other 2/3rds of that threesome. It’s not like Wolvie’s doing it on his own…
It's still disgusting and it exists because of Loganfans in the first place. I'm glad everyone beyond Percy ignores it.

But the original X-men ALL wore masks. It wasn’t just for “practical” reasons, but traditional superhero reasons.
There is a reason why they wore them though. First off, Xavier's was a school, and they wore uniforms. The masks came because Charles wanted them to act as super-heroes and build good PR for Mutants. Back in the day they had legitimately good relations with the US Government and the public. Hell, Trask himself died in, what, his 2nd appearance, having a change of heart and trying to stop a Master Mold (I think, it could've just been a large Sentinel; it's been a while). They were basically 15 YOs going in an elite school to be superheroes. The masks made logical sense.

Ultimately it comes around to Xavier being a manipulative "for the greater good" dick, who was literally raising child soldiers. I won't even get into retcons or the recent Hickman/Moira thing. Point is, the masks and uniforms were a necessity. I've said it before, but I still think the Ultimate suits were on-point for what their use was.


And I think it was the best Wolverine's ever looked too. Such a figure would tempt me, because he looks like a legit operator.


And those first few Millar issues were primetime Y2K fun. They used the rising power of PR and celebrity worship coupled with the changing of "power" pretty well. At least IMHO. It was a much better of "realworldpolitik" versus the hamfisted "allegory" that's literally never worked and breaks down the moment you think about it for more than 2 seconds.


At least Wolverine’s was explained in part that he concealed his face working with Department H on espionage and sabotage missions as an agent before joining the X-men.
The problem isn't that he's wearing a mask per se, it's just why it looks like that. The answer of course is because it was first designed to make him look kinda like a wolverine when he debuted in Hulk (hence the whiskers and lack of "ears"). Then they kept it, made it cooler and we are where we are. Though really, if we're going to nitpick that, then we might as well ask why a hardened operator assassin run around wearing yellow and blue spandex.

I will admit Wolverine was more interesting decades ago, with a past shrouded in mystery, a healing factor that wasn’t OP, and writers who didn’t self-insert so he got with EVERY hot chick. It’s the same issues I have with God-mode Batman; that bores me.
Batman at least can justify it. He's a tall, handsome, cultured, supergenius billionaire. I can believe him getting all the women. Logan's an abrasive, hairy, rude manlet. Sure he's going to attract a type, and were he taller he'd attract more, and I get the whole "gentle soul" bit. But point is, having him be Marvel's biggest manwhore is too disgusting and reeks of a special kind of self-insert. All superheroes are self-inserts to some extent, but he takes it to a next level. I feel like I'm in for some Ugly Bastard NTR everytime he shows up...


Ah, I'm feeling better now. Not that Namor's better in the cucking department, but at least he's honest and he's a literal King with the body of a Greek God and top-tier brick superowers. I can see the appeal there.

But those late 80s, early 90s stories with him were great. Frank Miller did some of his best work with Claremont on Wolverine. Hama and Silvestri did great. “Weapon X” was horrifying and complex. And I still re-read Logan’s one-man takedown of the Hellfire Club scenes from time to time.

He suffered from over-exposure, power-creep, and too much author-fantasy-insert… but that doesn’t detract from the stories I grew up loving. He was popular for a reason, even if it got out of control.


Same thing happened with Venom and all the Symbiotes.
I guess it just comes down to taste. I went through my symbiote phase but even during my edge years I never particularly cared for him. Yeah I got his figures in the lines I collected because he was an important part of the X-Men, but I never really warmed up to him. He was too overpowered and bright to be a true operator character like Fury and Punisher, whom I liked. He was also too boring and underwhelming compared to other mutants. Cyclops was a walking WMD, Jean was the Phoenix, Gambit could make things explode by touching them, Rogue absorbed powers, Storm commanded the weather, and so on. Wolverine was an angry manlet with knives in his hands. I couldn't care. Granted, I went through a big Deadpool period so this might be hypocritical, but Deadpool was a cool ninja with swords who did have operator stories.

Different strokes for different folks I think it comes down to.

My guilty confession is that I actually liked Daken...


Look, I've said it before, I like dicks and *****. Doom, Namor, Daken, Emma, Kang, the list goes on. Guess that's why I'm more of a Marvel guy, as DC characters are much more wholesome.

They've currently ruined him too, btw. They've turned him into a goody-two-shoes with no bite. I hate modern X-Writers and their retarded safe-space YAAAAAASSSSS SLAAAAAAAAYYYY self-inserting.

Damn, might be time for me to give up hope for a John Walker, huh? Guy was the most interesting character on the show and I'm always up for Captain America variants:lol

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I really wanted a figure if him too. But no we gotta get Boba Fat and Yelena.
I hope they at least do US Agent at some point
I wouldn't worry too much. They're building up to a Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers project so you're bound to get him there. Same goes for Zemo too. You just have to wait. 2, 3 years. Then add another 2 to get the figure. So... yeah.
Damn, might be time for me to give up hope for a John Walker, huh? Guy was the most interesting character on the show and I'm always up for Captain America variants:lol

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Don’t give up yet, I think we will defiantly see more of John Walker and that we will get least one figure of him. He is a very compelling character AND It seems like they certainly have plans for him based upon the last episode of the Falcon and Winter Soldier series.
So I think we will bet him but it may not be until his next appearance either in the movies or TV
Well the Hoody Goblin rumor from Justin's Collection was false. We get this Peacemaker abomination indeed.
On one hand, my wallet is happy. I haven't POed anything since New Year's. So that's good. But Jesus, is HT slaking behind. I'm writing dissertations on how to arrange my checklist for the year based on leaks, and HT can't keep up with last year's properties. Hawkeye? Nothing. NWH? Incomplete. They haven't even done anything for The Picture Book Of Beta Fatt beyond a 1/4th figure and that Fennec they were working on since the Mandalorian S2 days. And to think folks thought a "Training Luke", which'd be the same figure as the Mando Luke sans the cape and with some extra accessories, was a given...

I'm certain the Spider-Men will come in March, but this is not a good sign. What's worse is that everything they've shown thus far has been less than stellar at that. The Ock headsculpt, how cheap the Goblin looks, the prices they're charging for them as well, not to mention today's WTF Peacemaker. I don't know guys, I'm not that optimistic about getting all the MoM cameos now... I think the key here is that they'll make literally whatever they want and like, and everything else can kiss their arse, beyond the figures they "have" to make and get them off the list. So I guess better pray Howard likes whichever cape you like, so that the dolly will come out good...
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Great. Of course they make crappy peacemaker when we all just want Tobey and Andrew spidey. I’m kinda starting to think we won’t see figures from the movie for awhile sadly. Damn I hate this company lol
Great. Of course they make crappy peacemaker when we all just want Tobey and Andrew spidey. I’m kinda starting to think we won’t see figures from the movie for awhile sadly. Damn I hate this company lol
It’s funny though, I’ve seen so many people crying out for a Peacemaker figure saying they are never going to make him and now they have seen the head sculpt they are like no thanks.

I still think they are coming but whether they appear next week before The Batman I wouldn’t put my money on it.
Where the hell is the damn no way home figures! Ugh.

Yeah I'm positive they know collectors are clamoring for the rest of the NWH line-up, so perchance they'll show more figures in due time. I wouldn't be surprised if they are saving the Maguire and Garfield reveals for summer.
The list of what we thought they would make by now is getting long and carrying into The Batman. There isn't going to be much room once Multiverse of Madness drops.

Where is Kate and Clint? How many The Batman figures are we getting? Anything from the Book of Boba Fett? Moon Knight (main costume) and Morbius should be automatic. We still have NWH figures like Hoody Goblin, Tobey and Andrew. Anything else from it though? The next two months should be telling.
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The list of what we thought they would make by now is getting long and carrying into The Batman. There isn't going to be much room once Multiverse of Madness drops.

Where is Kate and Clint? How many The Batman figures are we getting? Anything from the Book of Boba Fett? Moon Knight (main costume) and Morbius should be automatic. We still have NWH figures like Hoody Goblin, Tobey and Andrew. Anything else from it though? The next two months should be telling.
I was hoping for an Iron Spider reissue from NWH, and an Electro. The pipe dream is Lizard and Sandman, but they seem unlikely now.
The list of what we thought they would make by now is getting long and carrying into The Batman. There isn't going to be much room once Multiverse of Madness drops.

Where is Kate and Clint? How many The Batman figures are we getting? Anything from the Book of Boba Fett? Moon Knight (main costume) and Morbius should be automatic. We still have NWH figures like Hoody Goblin, Tobey and Andrew. Anything else from it though? The next two months should be telling.
I'm starting to lose hope. Even if MoM is filled with cameos, with HT's current pace and the sheer number of movies and shows, I'm not getting my hopes up. Strange, Defender Strange, Wanda and maybe Xavier since he was in leaked storyboards from a year ago, are the only ones I'm confident in. Probably Iron Cruise, even if we get him later, because HT is an Ironlover. Beyond that, I'm not sure. Morbius I don't even register. I think we'll get a Black Adam and no Dr. Fate. Moon Knight will get his one figure, surely, but dunno about the Mr. Knight look. Flash and KeatonBats are a given. Probably an Aquaman from the 2nd flick. From BP2 I don't even know what's going on there. Thor 4 will give us Thor & Jane, and probably that Rocker-looking Thor as an exclusive or something. And we're forgetting Ms. Marvel & She-Hulk (featuring Hulk/Banner). I don't even know what to expect from SW. I'm hearing some rumours that Palpatine could appear in Kenobi. Meanwhile they haven't done anything from Beta Fatt, although who can blame them.

I don't know. I think it comes down to just how much they personally like the license and character, everything else be damned. They did Office Worker Loki, Female Loki In Baggy Pants, then announced a Loki-In-A-Suit Loki, and knocked them out of the park, with lots of accessories and great sculpts. And then we see nonsense like Peacemaker and their Ock. Peacemaker at least I can justify as them beginning work on it during TSS, seeing it perform poorly and abandoning, then finding an excuse to release it with the show, and just slapping it together with no care. Ock is probably them having no reference or being cocky and trying a harder expression, dunno. If their heart's in it, it'll come out good. If not, prepare for the worst. Marvel's got better chances than DC in general, but there's still too much lost time and too much content.
I'm starting to lose hope. Even if MoM is filled with cameos, with HT's current pace and the sheer number of movies and shows, I'm not getting my hopes up. Strange, Defender Strange, Wanda and maybe Xavier since he was in leaked storyboards from a year ago, are the only ones I'm confident in. Probably Iron Cruise, even if we get him later, because HT is an Ironlover. Beyond that, I'm not sure. Morbius I don't even register. I think we'll get a Black Adam and no Dr. Fate. Moon Knight will get his one figure, surely, but dunno about the Mr. Knight look. Flash and KeatonBats are a given. Probably an Aquaman from the 2nd flick. From BP2 I don't even know what's going on there. Thor 4 will give us Thor & Jane, and probably that Rocker-looking Thor as an exclusive or something. And we're forgetting Ms. Marvel & She-Hulk (featuring Hulk/Banner). I don't even know what to expect from SW. I'm hearing some rumours that Palpatine could appear in Kenobi. Meanwhile they haven't done anything from Beta Fatt, although who can blame them.

I don't know. I think it comes down to just how much they personally like the license and character, everything else be damned. They did Office Worker Loki, Female Loki In Baggy Pants, then announced a Loki-In-A-Suit Loki, and knocked them out of the park, with lots of accessories and great sculpts. And then we see nonsense like Peacemaker and their Ock. Peacemaker at least I can justify as them beginning work on it during TSS, seeing it perform poorly and abandoning, then finding an excuse to release it with the show, and just slapping it together with no care. Ock is probably them having no reference or being cocky and trying a harder expression, dunno. If their heart's in it, it'll come out good. If not, prepare for the worst. Marvel's got better chances than DC in general, but there's still too much lost time and too much content.
As you laid out, this year is packed unlike last year. Unfortunately, all we can do is speculate, but it still is a fact that they are way behind. I don't think we give enough credit to the fact that when characters are hidden or tried to be hidden usually takes a while to come out. As others have pointed out, if the characters are hidden, they can take months to reveal. See Mando Luke, debuted on Dec 18, 2020, up for preorder Aug 3, 2021. But that doesn't explain the Hawkeye figures, which HT has done at least 2 figures of each show. End of Loki series was July 14 and figures went up Oct 20. That's 3 months. Those were teased though, then we got Pres Loki Nov 27th and a tease that nothing has come from in a Classic Loki.

I think the right approach is to wait for the actual show/movie to release first to verify they are not missing accessories or other changes to the costumes. The Black Suit Spider-Man and the Integrated Suit both burned Hot Toys with inaccurate depictions. They can still have most of it done, but wait for any adjustments to be made. With this Batman figure incoming, the movie has been done for awhile, so he should come with everything they want him to come with from the movie.

No way are we getting an entire Illuminati. No chance. This Chinese New Year just slows them down when a huge IP like Spider-Man is just waiting to be milked. We have gotten 6 figures so far. Definitely 3 more in Hoody Goblin, Tobey and Andrew. Just hard for me to see Electro, Sandman and Lizard.

MoM has got to have main Strange, Defender, Witch. That Zombie Strange is too cool for school and don't see why they wouldn't make him. Don't waste a slot on American Chavez! They should realize a Prof X figure would sell and Iron Cruise is a no brainer. That would be 6 for right now with potential for more upon seeing the film. Wong is due though and Mordo might fall into the villain hole.
As you laid out, this year is packed unlike last year. Unfortunately, all we can do is speculate, but it still is a fact that they are way behind. I don't think we give enough credit to the fact that when characters are hidden or tried to be hidden usually takes a while to come out. As others have pointed out, if the characters are hidden, they can take months to reveal. See Mando Luke, debuted on Dec 18, 2020, up for preorder Aug 3, 2021. But that doesn't explain the Hawkeye figures, which HT has done at least 2 figures of each show. End of Loki series was July 14 and figures went up Oct 20. That's 3 months. Those were teased though, then we got Pres Loki Nov 27th and a tease that nothing has come from in a Classic Loki.
The problem is that all the following years seem to be as packed, so if they keep falling behind, they'll never make anything on time. That's a good point about the hidden characters. And I'm not expecting everything the moment a show/movie hits. But a teaser and whatnot might help. The issue is that HT is completely random and you can never truly plan about such things.

I think the right approach is to wait for the actual show/movie to release first to verify they are not missing accessories or other changes to the costumes. The Black Suit Spider-Man and the Integrated Suit both burned Hot Toys with inaccurate depictions. They can still have most of it done, but wait for any adjustments to be made. With this Batman figure incoming, the movie has been done for awhile, so he should come with everything they want him to come with from the movie.
I'd rather wait more and get a more complete figure than have them rush everything out, no doubt. This hobby is just too unpredictable at the end of the day.

No way are we getting an entire Illuminati. No chance. This Chinese New Year just slows them down when a huge IP like Spider-Man is just waiting to be milked. We have gotten 6 figures so far. Definitely 3 more in Hoody Goblin, Tobey and Andrew. Just hard for me to see Electro, Sandman and Lizard.

MoM has got to have main Strange, Defender, Witch. That Zombie Strange is too cool for school and don't see why they wouldn't make him. Don't waste a slot on American Chavez! They should realize a Prof X figure would sell and Iron Cruise is a no brainer. That would be 6 for right now with potential for more upon seeing the film. Wong is due though and Mordo might fall into the villain hole.
Whatever Iron Man appears is a given. Wong, Mordo and Captain Marvel I wouldn't expect. Xavier has been in storyboards since the beginning, so I think he has very good chances. Captain Carter could get a proper realistic figure, as they've already tackled her What If version. The rest, be they Reed and/or Blackagar, will depend heavily on Howard's preferences, how they're received, and whether HT has time to backtrack. Whatever other cameos happen, same thing. We might end up seeing a random cameo from MoM get turned into a figure and go up for PO by the time GotG 3 is playing in theatres. Strange's looks have good chances, HT loves variants and they've released the same Strange 3 times, so I guess they like making him.

At the end of the day, it's all too much to try and predict, especially with a company like HT. It helps to have a personal guidemap for the year, but with much content is coming, I reckon we'll be seeing lots of figures get released years and years after their films, and by that time they may get a reppearance in another flick with a different costume and- Just go with the flow, I'd say.
I think the right approach is to wait for the actual show/movie to release first to verify they are not missing accessories or other changes to the costumes. The Black Suit Spider-Man and the Integrated Suit both burned Hot Toys with inaccurate depictions. They can still have most of it done, but wait for any adjustments to be made. With this Batman figure incoming, the movie has been done for awhile, so he should come with everything they want him to come with from the movie.
At least with Integrated Suit they have time before they enter the manufacturing phase to address the inaccuracies in the suit design - theres nothing they can do with features like the Iron Spider legs which likely came from promo art and never appeared in the film but as long as the figure looks good and is accurate without them I wouldn't care too much. Extra features while not screen accurate are cool especially for anyone who doesn't have the Iron Spider.
No way are we getting an entire Illuminati. No chance. This Chinese New Year just slows them down when a huge IP like Spider-Man is just waiting to be milked. We have gotten 6 figures so far. Definitely 3 more in Hoody Goblin, Tobey and Andrew. Just hard for me to see Electro, Sandman and Lizard.
I'm not delving into the bad guys myself and only picking up selected Spider-Man suits for my Spidey-Person collection but if I was I would hope they consider Electro as he had a fairly big part during certain scenes in the film. Sandman and Lizard won't get a look in but I think there needs to be an entry from the ASM universe rather than just 2 from the Rami trilogy. I know Electro comes from what most consider one of the weaker Spider-Man films but still.
I'm not delving into the bad guys myself and only picking up selected Spider-Man suits for my Spidey-Person collection but if I was I would hope they consider Electro as he had a fairly big part during certain scenes in the film. Sandman and Lizard won't get a look in but I think there needs to be an entry from the ASM universe rather than just 2 from the Rami trilogy. I know Electro comes from what most consider one of the weaker Spider-Man films but still.
Which makes one wonder if there might be some special bases for the Tob and Andrew figures. Can kind of bridge the gap like the SM3 Sandman base and Integrated suit base.
I wonder if the lag on Hawkeye figures has anything to do with Hailee Steinfeld's likeness. All the merch I've seen related to her character has been stylized or based on the comic counterpart. Even the Marvel Legends figure they showed had a super generic headsculpt.