Just thinking about others we'd all like to see from the PT and I think Mace, Padme, and Grevious are the main ones.
TPM Obi Wan would be great to see next to Qui-Gon and Maul.
I think a ROTS/TCW Sidious pre-ballsack face with those sexy red robes and two sabers (from that incredible fight with Savage and Maul which I'm sure everyone here has seen

) would be my top choice for PT.
I'd love to see the Jedi Masters like Kit, Plo, Ki-Adi, Luminara etc. but they're not "must-haves" imo. More likely to come under TCW line, if any, though.
TCW line on the other hand has almost endless possibilities - Savage, Pre-Vizsla (We've already got Bo and they would pair amazingly together!), Asajj, Cad Bane (Though we may see him in TBB line), Hondo, Gar Saxon, Senate Guards.
That's not even mentioning the Clones - All the favourite Commanders: Wolffe, Bly, Fox, Gree, Bacara. Some of the favourite soldiers: Jesse; ARC Echo and Fives; Waxer and Boil. Then all of their respective legions (104th, 327th, 41st, 212th). Then on top of that you've got individual soldier variants within those (ie Galactic Marines, Kashyyyk Scouts), though I could understand they're less likely. And obviously, REPUBLIC COMMANDOS (Gregor and Delta Squad)
Either way an exciting time to be a Star Wars fan - Very much looking forward to seeing where they go with it! Couldn't imagine how incredible a full Hot Toys Clone display would look. I do understand the need for them to space these out after what happened with the Sideshow Clones though