1/6 NEXT Hot Toys STAR WARS Figure...?

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I hope that Indiana Jones movie somehow doesn't come to fruition. I know they just added more members to the cast like a week or so ago, so clearly it doesn't look good for that. But I'd rather have gonorrhea than watch a 79 year old Harrison Ford gimp around as Indiana Jones. He could barely move around in The Force Awakens.

I have no idea why he loves Indy so much but seems to hate Star Wars. He owes his career to his role as Solo, that really launched him into megastardom. He wanted to get killed off to end the trilogy and supposedly he only came back for TFA with the assurance his character would be killed off. No new Ford as Solo merchandise in four years now but I guarantee there will be Indy merch everywhere and none of it will move.

I know he's got a reputation for being a miserable old geezer at this point but god damn.
As time passes, Han Solo looses his significance. He's a character from the 80's, that's a long time ago, held onto for the old generation. New kids growing up on the PT don't really care for Han Solo... even newer kids only know him as the old man who died.

Happy Friday to you too, Wor-Gar. Jeez.

Off to buy some adult diapers and a hearing aid.
I don't think HT will even bother with the Indie 5 license.

Next week will be Falcon, if it's a double release it's probably not SW.

I think there will be an announcement on May 4th. Disney will push it since its the launch of a new season. I'm going to guess General Kenobi announcement. I initially thought it can also include a Rex release but now I think it's going to be the biker scout release.
I hope that Indiana Jones movie somehow doesn't come to fruition. I know they just added more members to the cast like a week or so ago, so clearly it doesn't look good for that. But I'd rather have gonorrhea than watch a 79 year old Harrison Ford gimp around as Indiana Jones. He could barely move around in The Force Awakens.

I have no idea why he loves Indy so much but seems to hate Star Wars. He owes his career to his role as Solo, that really launched him into megastardom. He wanted to get killed off to end the trilogy and supposedly he only came back for TFA with the assurance his character would be killed off. No new Ford as Solo merchandise in four years now but I guarantee there will be Indy merch everywhere and none of it will move.

I know he's got a reputation for being a miserable old geezer at this point but god damn.

I'll buy all of the Indy merch. Books, comics, posters, all the figures. All of it!
That would be the ultimate kick in the plums. The next Harrison Ford hot toys figure is an 80 year old Indiana Jones and they just reuse the farce awakens sculpt.
I'm amazed how people have lost faith in the magic of the movies. They'll take how he'll look in real life next year (on the left) and turn him into how he appears onscreen (on the right.)

I really don't think too many more Bespin Leias would have sold because Han was available. Bespin Leia verges on Barbie, I don't imagine too many were made or sold at these prices. Girl doll collectors and completists only.

As time passes, Han Solo looses his significance. He's a character from the 80's, that's a long time ago, held onto for the old generation. New kids growing up on the PT don't really care for Han Solo... even newer kids only know him as the old man who died. His character is fading... and Ford isn't doing that legacy any favors.

Han Bespin would sell well no doubt but how much profit do you really think HT would make on the one doll? They are better off doing Mando stuff right now.

I'm not sure if you're trolling me or not lol, Bespin Han is by far the most wanted 1/6 Star Wars figure.
I wonder who here would buy a Dagobah 3pk with Bespin/Training Luke, Yoda and R2? All are ridiculously priced. Let's face it, HT knows the OT characters will sell now or in 5 years from now. They know they need to cash in on the now though with D+ and The Mando show. Be ready to be bombarded with The Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan when those start releasing.

I sure hope we don't get a Bad Batch figure on May the 4th. That won't go down well for many of us.
Does no one get the gag: if you say you could care less about Bespin Han... HT will produce Bespin Han. If you say Han Solo is a stale one-dimensional character... well, nothing will change that, but sometimes walking away is the best way to get her (him) back.
I don't think HT will even bother with the Indie 5 license.

i dunno.... Remember, they jumped on the Lone Ranger license and even now, a million exquisitely-sculpted HT Johnny Depp Tontos roam the landscape, forever in search of a home that is not forthcoming. Poor things.

If HT foregoes the new Indy license, it may well be that they are still Big Mad about Ford's churlish behavior. I find his attitude graceless and frankly disrespectful to fans that still love him, but what do I know.
I'm not sure if you're trolling me or not lol, Bespin Han is by far the most wanted 1/6 Star Wars figure.

No, the most wanted HT figure was Mandalorian Boba Fett, who we waited for for what seemed an age, but was actually five minutes. And then BAM!! HT graces us with not just one, but two new beautiful sculpts in the most slaytanically-gorgeous two pack we have yet to see.

But no Bespin Han.

Right now i actually think the overall Most Wanted that we dont yet have up is FatWS Falcon. He will be along soon.
i dunno.... Remember, they jumped on the Lone Ranger license and even now, a million exquisitely-sculpted HT Johnny Depp Tontos roam the landscape, forever in search of a home that is not forthcoming. Poor things.

If HT foregoes the new Indy license, it may well be that they are still Big Mad about Ford's churlish behavior. I find his attitude graceless and frankly disrespectful to fans that still love him, but what do I know.

"Either you die a hero, or live long enough to become an old man and make terrible movies."