The internal consistency of the sequel trilogy doesn't even work, characters are plainly inconsistent, and truths one movie tells us are then negated by the following one. The PT, at the end of the day, was George's vision through and through- for better and for worse. The world building is consistent, the characters are mostly consistent and The Clone Wars has grounds on which to stand. It's also nice to have years between the films, not just days. TLJ being set roughly a day or two after TFA really makes it literally impossible to fill in the blanks of why the characters act entirely differently. No show can go in and fix that imo. The ST is broken on a conceptual level where the PT was mostly criticised for execution, not the story or world-building itself.
I too feel bad for the ST actors. I feel the main four (Ridley, Driver, Boyega, Isaac) are all really talented- but there is only so much one can do with directors/writers who have entirely different conceptions of their characters. Each are different people depending on if Abrams or Johnson directs or writes the scene. To me, it's another reminder that actors are just playing off a script and direction. They are the last people anyone should be angry at for creative decisions made.
Also yes, a Poe Dameron figure would be a pick up for me but I'd also get a Dark Rey because I'm a glutton for headcanoning the figures I buy into a story I enjoy more.