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Very surprised if we do not see artisan dark side Anakin for the ROTS anniversary.
There’s still hope!

Based on what they showed when the Dark Side promo dropped originally I would bet we would see Dooku 2.0, the emperor 2.0, and the remaining two Inquisitors. Maybe a couple of troopers thrown in because it's HT.
I am not expecting a lot to be properly announced or shown (maybe 1-2 figures) but there are some possibilities for sure

Dark Ani
TROS Palps
Dooku 2.0
Purge trooper (Jedi Fallen Order)
Range Trooper
Night Death Trooper
Savage Opress
Something chrome like a trooper
Have a bunch of reward points expiring today. Trying to decide on using them between Kit Fisto, Darth Maul and Caine (from John Wick).

Had been holding out hoping for Kelleran Beq but I guess they're done with Mando figures for a while. Was also holding out for Hardcase, he'll probably go up by Friday with my luck. I'm sure Plo Koon won't be made until next year for the ROTS anniversary.

You'll have two HT Mauls now -- Naboo Battle and Tatooine Cloak.
Good advice.

I have a Maul, but this new one is definitely an upgrade. I was considering Kit Fisto just because he’s got a cool look and would stand out on display, but the opportunity to have two looks for Maul is probably the right way to approach it.