That's pretty awesome.
Makes me remember how fresh and inspiring those first ships were. Also makes me realize that the PT didn't really have any memorable ships in it either. Another strike.
Makes me remember how fresh and inspiring those first ships were. Also makes me realize that the PT didn't really have any memorable ships in it either. Another strike.
It would be great to see Hot Toys do almost ANY SW character next. But as the rate they go, we will never see anything close to a line.
Anyways, I'm done with SW 1:6 till Admiral Ackbar, Grand Moff Tarkin or Count Dooku get made.
The gap between HT announcements is getting rediculous. They have an anniversary exhibition in Japan on Xmas day. I'm hoping we'll see Anakin and Han.
You didn't like the jedi starfighters from AOTC and ROTS?
Also makes me realize that the PT didn't really have any memorable ships in it either. Another strike.
I think these are some of the coolest Star Wars ships. Guess opinions vary though.![]()
Although it's great if people like them, I'd agree with Wor-Gar that none of these designs are fresh. The first two are precursors of the TIE and X-Wing (and the fact that it's derivative means the opposite of novel...) and the other two are more-or-less generic troop transport vehicles. Not the same as the original designs for X-Wings, TIES, the Falcon or Star Destroyers back in ANH. Personally, my favourite PT ship is Padme's chromed transport but even that looks to me much like a Blackbird.False.
That's pretty awesome.
Makes me remember how fresh and inspiring those first ships were. Also makes me realize that the PT didn't really have any memorable ships in it either. Another strike.
Get what you're saying and there are some pretty cool ships in the PT but to me the iconic master designs are all OT. Really hoping that given the destruction of the Empire in Ep VI that Ep VII will feature bolder designs for new ships that still fit in the Star Wars universe.Put the foils down on those jedi starfighters and the design is pretty original (and damn cool).
Dunno, only thing I know of on the horizon is Vader. I'm wondering if maybe SSC's ramping down the releases until they sell through some of their backlog? Right now it's Bossk, E-Web and Snowtrooper in the first couple months of 2013 and then Padawan Obi slated for 3rd quarter after that. For anyone that's been collecting for a while, is this unusual or are there always lulls? Not that I mind, personally. Wallet could use a break....Anyway, I really would have liked Bossk this year but never mind, when should we expect something new from SSC?
Dunno, only thing I know of on the horizon is Vader. I'm wondering if maybe SSC's ramping down the releases until they sell through some of their backlog? Right now it's Bossk, E-Web and Snowtrooper in the first couple months of 2013 and then Padawan Obi slated for 3rd quarter after that. For anyone that's been collecting for a while, is this unusual or are there always lulls? Not that I mind, personally. Wallet could use a break.