Well... at least we got a Star Wars OT figure this week from someone. Thought it would be more Batman, Superman and Civil War.
The onslaught of BvS from all angles makes me feel nauseous at times. I wouldn't mind HT going ape on SW for a while, some new humans would be cool.
I really wish the Marvel and Marvel wannabes would just gives the capes a rest for a couple of years. It's getting kind of stupid now.
With prices where they are, I think the days of the Cantina aliens or Skiff aliens are long gone.
SS is having trouble putting the bounty hunters up for preorder.
That's a depressing thought. And yeah - where Dengar and 4-LOM are, who knows?
I do wish we had seen them going much further with TFA. I remember people talking about the possibility of a Sydow figure (which would have been awesome to see) and all these others, and obviously with ANH it'd be nice to see them tackle Tarkin, maybe a Tusken Raider, but maybe they'll get to some of these at a later point. I still think Maz will get made but perhaps they're saving some for Episode 8 if outfits are the same and roles are expanded, etc.
Admit it - you just want it for a Father Merrick bash.