Not using a weapon like Kamara more often and the cuteness the Taysom Hill plays drive me nuts even though I’m not a Saints fan.
CFB, NBA and NFL championships games have become less must watch tv because of the same teams competing each year. Unless you root for those teams I guess. CBB is a close second and I don't watch baseball or hockey.....
At least for the most part the games leading up to championship offers variety and a bit of ***** but the payoff game(s) is far from spectacular. Not that I had a dog in the fight but can't seem to get interested in this years SB.
Baseball is the least predictable
I gave up watching baseball decades ago beyond the's like watching paint dry
I go to Great American when the Reds don’t suck
Thought you were done with NFL why are you back crying ?
Its hard to read the paper when the ink smears from all the tears from your crying.I said I’m “done wasting money” ie not buying season tickets. I know reading comprehension probably isn’t a strength with you.