NFL Thread

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How about one of these beauties?:lol


That might be the only one uglier than the Eagles 75th season throw backs, and the Broncos AFL 50th season throw backs. :monkey4:monkey4:monkey4
How about one of these beauties?:lol


Hey, now. Those were badass back in the day.

That being said. I am really tired of the whole "throw-back" jersey gimmick the NFL is using. But I figure that it is too much to hope that they will curb it.

Edit - this is all kinds of badass.

Man I love the throwbacks. They didn't seem to use them as much last year. In fact I don't remember seeing the Titans wear their throwbacks at all.
I like the Pats throwbacks. Kinda like the Jets' Titans throwbacks, too.

Just saw on Aattack of the Show the new procedure this season for unruly fans. If a fan becomes unruly and gets ejected from the stadium, they must take a 4 hour course and pay a $75 fine before they gain admission again.

I like it. I usually go to at least 1 Steelers game a year, and it's a good time, even with opposing fans. I go to have a good time, and not get in a pissing contest with some idiot about my team's better than yours. Tickets cost too damn much to have some ignorant, drunk _______ ruin the experience for you.
I missed that one. What did they do? :dunno

Just _____ed that the "newer" ones were ugly and they liked the older ones better, so the teams switched back to the old look. Nothing special they did, really, just voiced their opinion and the teams actually listened.

Worked out for the better, IMO. I can't stand the looks some of these teams' uniform committees go with, and much rather prefer a teams older, or retro, looks. I mean I'd much rather the Steelers went back to the old block-number look on their jerseys, and took the logo off the chest, like they used to have.

Just always preferred the NFL look of the '70s. Never was crazy about the League's "updated" look on some of the uniforms. Go back to the Pat's Minuteman, the Bronco's Orange-Crush, lose the Bengals strip club look and so on.